
006 Samech Vov (First Version) – Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana – Class 06

P 8. 15 lines down (New SV p 11)
Dira B’Tachtonim – נתאווה לו דירה בתחתונים
אווה – Our Metzius and Hashem’s metzius are opposite so it makes sense that we can’t understand Him. On a tyva one doesn’t ask questions. We are ruled by our sekel, but sekel is also a creation, and Hashem is not ruled by it.
לו – The Aibishter Himself Desires
דירה – A Home. A place where a person lives with his own essence.
בתחתונים – Hashem wants to be HERE in the Tachton and He wants the Tachton to ALSO be here. Moshol from Our Rebbe of a person living in his friends home. He can be himself but he can’t move around the furniture.
Inside page Ches – 15 lines:
Torah and Mitzvos bring down an additional ohr into the Kav.
Bris Noach – Hashem made a bris with Noach after the mabul, that there wouldn’t be changes and He wouldn’t destroy the world so why is this dependent on Torah and Mitzvos? Is it really true that every time there is a rainbow Hashem wants to destroy the world? Rainbows are a regular occurrence in nature due to moisture conditions. There are two reasons that Hashem would destroy, for Nekama or for a Tikun. Hashem promised not to destroy the WHOLE world, and not out of Nakama, but for a necessary tikun, correction, in a small part of it, He still would.
There were three brisim, with Noach – not to destroy the world, with Avraham that Torah and Mitzvos will draw down more light and with Moshe, Teshuva (ilaah) can correct things.


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