Class 7: YESH MIYESH vs. YESH MIAYIN. yeshus from SOVEV (continued). Example for Eila v’Elul is sechel and middos. Each emotion has a separate source in the nefesh, but it is hidden. Use Chochma and Bina to think about something and the emotion passes through the brain and is revealed. Then the brain is no longer necessary and the emotion exists on its own. Creating a feeling is not new, its YESH MIYESH. An example of YESH MIAYIN is to create a ratzon to die Mesiras Nefesh. In the World only the yeshus – the Big Lie – that we are separate from Hashem is new, YESH MIAYIN and has to be renewed constantly. In Creation Memale is responsible for all the variety, but Sovev creates the yeshus. A “kick” injects the koach of Sovev of Aibishter into the Memale. Everything is created by Chochma, but Chochma itself is a creation, from Memale hence YESH MIYESH. “Ain Oruch Ailecha” – nothing is comparable to Hashem = Sovev. MP3