Class 10: Several terms are discussed: Pshitus, Klal. Thiru Ilaa, Thiru Tataa. PSHITUS=ONE with no details, opposite of Tziur, the many do not define the ONE. KLAL: ONE but made up of many separate things that DO define the ONE. In nefesh, the etzem ha nefesh is pshitus, it relates only to itself – hence it has no need for tools. But the nefesh with a mission does need tools to relate to others. Nimshal: Seder Hishtalshelus: pshitus on the higher levels and klal on the lower. Three levels to desiring a world: the lowest level is Ratzon Prati – a specific want for a specific world. The middle level is Ratzon Klali or Ratzon Murkav, a general Ratzon for the whole seder hishtalshelus – a koach for world – Machshava Keduma d’A”K – Sovev Kol Almin. The highest level is Ratzon Pshitus – Hashem wants a world – Yecholes.
Thiru Ilaa vs Thiru Tataa. R Chaim Vital holds that THIRU ILAA is after the tzimtzum and is klal. Emek HaMelech and chassidus Chabad hold that Thiru ilaa is pashut, and Thiru Tataa is A”K klal with details. THIRU – pure, not impure, but could be impure. What is impurity? detail – kelim. MP3