Class 19: Atzilus part 1: ATZILUS- allows for a real relationship with HASHEM. In hemshech ayin-beis there are 4 definitions of the word Sefira. 1) a number 2) Light that shines and reveals misaprim 3) a sefer and 4) a Sipur the source of the sefer. In Atzilus is the joining of Oros (infinite) with Kelim (finite.) Philosophers says that there is a Borei, a Creator and His nivraim, His creations that are made to serve the Creator as slaves. There is no possibility for a relationship. Kabballah says that there is also Elokus and that everyone CAN have a relationship with Elokus. In Atzilus Elokus is revealed and people can “feel” G-dliness. Unlimited Oros in limited kelim – for philosophers this is impossible. Oros and kelim match and become one. Higher than Atzilus the oros overwhelm the kelim, while lower than Atzilus the kelim overpower the oros. So, How could Atzilus exist? The Tzemach Tzedek has a drush based on the Pardes. There are three different possibilities. 1) There can’t be two opposites, so since the oros are infinite, the kelim are also not really limited. 2) Since the kelim are limited the light also must be already limited. 3)The kelim are limited and the oros are infinite with two different explanations a) The Ramak says the kelim are bli gvul with the koach of gvul and the Arizal says the kelim are gvul.