p 9 (New SV 12-13) Mitzvos Hamelech – Malchus ~ Mitzvos Havaya – Atzilus ~ Mitzvosai – Kesser “L’Shem Yichud” and the Noda B’Yehuda. Alter Rebbe’s Siddur. Some says its so holy only the Rebbe should davven from it, but it was designed for everyone. The Rebbe Rashab’s L’Shem Yichud is Yichud Sovev and Memale where both Sovev and Memale retain their own characteristics. Ohr Chadash is NOT more light but a totally new light that never shone before, a revelation of Etzem Ohr Ein Sof Tishrei: Rosh Hashana to Yom Kippur we are climbing. After Yom Kippur we are bringing back this new light intact. Havaya exists on many levels. Its job is to bring down and reveal ohr, with every giluy being a tzimtzum. Usually Havaya brings down the light in steps Yud, Hay, Vav, Hay. In order for the the Etzem Ohr to come down intact, it requires a new Havaya without steps and with no changes.