Part 2: Hashem remembered Sara and gave her a child – Hashem remembered the earth and gave rain. How are these two related? Do children, health, and parnusa (rain) depend on mazal, (often translated as luck, as if Hashem is not involved,) or on one’s earned merit? Actually, MAZAL is a drip, a spiritual source, the opposite of something arbitrary or by chance. The MAZAL is outside a person and influences him, but it is NOT him. Using the example of a neshama in a guf where only a small portion of the neshama is pnimius (inside) in the guf, while the far greater part is makif, outside of the guf, the mazal is the Chaya, i.e. the person’s personality. No one can change their mazal, but yidden also have a yechida or “super mazal” so we can override our mazal. We have a set mazal, but then our avoda (z’chus) determines how it is utilized. MP3