Part 5: Marriages Yechudim. Mashpia to m’kabel. Adam and Chava. The whole creation is a series of yichudim. Mashpia to m’kabel. Mashpia gives a pintele, an inspiration and then the m’kabel creates = ohr chozer. SOD SHORESH = Mystical secret of the world as it is created by Hashem (minimum.) SOD TOSEFES = Mystical secret of what we add. SOD SHORESH: Atzilus – chochma and bina have a complete partzuf of 10 sefiros. This gives birth to Z”A which has 6 Sefiros integrated within it and next comes Malchus which is only a nekuda (no brain, no heart.) To continue. Malchus of Atzilus gives to Beriah. Rosh Hashana – make Hashem a king. That is make Him WANT to be a king. Build up Z”A and Malchus to 10 sefiros. Now malchus is complete. Adam and Chava created back to back. Chava is completely bittul, she has nothing of her own. Adam wants a relationship. Hashem separated Chava and built her up. Now she can be an ezer and k’negdo, and can receive all the hashpa’ah that Adam has to give. Why not make Chava this way from the beginning? Because first she needs the quality of bittul. MP3