Part 6: Binyan HaMalchus p.157. Review of Adam and Chava, Sod Shoresh, Binyan Malchus. Rosh Hashana is the time for binyan Malchus – Sod Tosefes. In the beginning of creation Hashem is a ruler, a dictator, who only gives to his subjects the minimum necessary to remain in control. Hashem wants to be a king, and a king needs an Am, a people with Free Will to be His subjects. Erev Rosh Hashana Hashem gives up His kingly status and reverts to being a dictator. The 9 notes of the shofar and the 9 pesukim build up malchus with the 9 sefiros. Maase brings down Atzmus, but is hidden. Atzmus needs posukim to reveal it. Bittul, Yesh, Bittul, nekuda. now malchus is a full partner, a m’kabel. Difference between ‘shafel’ lI am nothing) and an Anov (I have mylas but some one else would do better with them..) Rosh Hashana – binyan malchus. Rosh Chodesh – yichud sun and moon. MP3