
Class 85

Part 7: Yichud ZuN; Sun and Moon. p 157 Yichud – Chava separated from Adam. Now she is bittul to him again on a higher level and can get all of his hashpaah. Yichud Z”un: example Sun and Moon. New Moon – Moon maximally bittul to receive Haspaah (light) from the sun. Then she starts to be a mashpia herself and shines. By the full moon she is maximally mashpia, then turns back towards the sun to finish giving off the old light and become an empty vessel to receive new light on Rosh Chodesh. On Rosh Hashana the moon would become a broken vessel (needing binyan malchus) in order to be able to accept the new light of that new year. MIDDOS: Klipa has 2 kavin, everything is by itself. In Tohu each mida is very strong, but can’t bend, and when pushed will snap and break. In kedusha middos in 3 kavim, right, left, and center. They combine with one another weakening and modifying one another. 6 separate middos, at least 12 middos when combined go on the 12 months. Each month a different combination of the letters Yud Kay Vav Kay.


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