Part 9: Middos cont. Middos are in response to external stimuli. 3 choices only. Right, Left, Center. Chessed, Gevurah, Tiferet. A metzius is an existence with form. Metzius (gashmius) is not exact. Middle is contrary to form. A corner can only exist in ruchnius, it does not exist in gashmius. The middle comes from a place higher than metzius. Kesser, Tiferes, Yesod, Malchus – straight to Atzmus no changes. Kedushah is 3. Klipa is only two kavim. There is no middle and no integration of middos one with the other. Several stories are brought to illustrate tiferes. Chagas (CHesed Gevurah Siferes) is feeling a certain way about a certain thing. NeHI (Netzach,Hod, Yesod) is fortitude to get a certain thing done. Netzach = determination, attack any opposition outwardly, loudly. Hod = inner quiet strength – stubbornness. Yesod = connectivity to the project, hiskashrus, very quiet. Every midda is chesed or gevurah. Every hergesh is Tiferes. Netzach and Hod represent the battle, and connectivity to the objective is Yesod. MP3