Part 10: Sun-Moon = Mashpia-Mkabel. then the mkabel becomes a mashpia. To be mkabel need to be bittul b’atzmus. How can a mekabel have more than a mashpia? Mashpia is a metzius; mkabel is bittul=koach of Atzmus Ain sof. Moon doesn’t have a revealed light of its own, but in L’asid lavo her atzmus will shine. The mkabel needs a mashpia to bring out her light. The mkabel gives more by adding ex. Yidden and Torah, the Yid is m’chadash Torah and minhagim. Rav and Talmid. Talmid stimulates the Rav to develop ideas deeper in his sechel.
Solar calender – goyim; Lunar calendar-Yidden. 11 days difference per year.
3 levels in Torah: 1) Torasai = kesser 2)Toras Havaye =Z”A Giluy Elokus, 12 tzirufim 3) Toras Hamelech = Malchus=kabbalos ol. Yidden started out broken in mitzrayim i.e. we were created bittul and became a yesh, retaining bittul with regard to Hashem. The Sun has several names. Yidden connect with Shemesh Havaya. Goyim connect with Hamah – independence-klipa. MP3