Class Eighty Five in Section Eight of יכולת the possibility
Posted: June 12, 2018
מדריגות לפני הצמצום (Part 28). יכולת (Class 6). שם (Part 1). The level of אור before the צמצום called יכולת is like שם (a name). We discussed שם based on: 1) The רמב”ם’s idea of לשון הקודש that it is holy because it has no direct allusions to anything crude and coarse. [Parenthetically דברה תורה בלשון בני אדם has no חוש המישוש for this very reason]. 2) The רמב”ן who argues and explains the idea that the world was created from לשון הקדוש and each creations name is its life. [Names by מלאכים]. By people their name is their essential identity. By Hashem who is everything (and therefore has no name) His names are only כפי מעשי אני נקרא therefore before He is called by a given name; that name does not yet exist. This is the idea of יכולת.