Page 18.
1) טהירו עילאה, טהירו תתאה- what are they and what are they not.
One is before Tzimtzum, the other is after.
2) The ideas of מלכות before and after צמצום are linked to the phrase in the Siddur: יחיד חי העולמים מלך.
יחיד is before Tzimtzum, חי העולמים מלך is, for obvious reasons, after the Tzimtzum.
The question raised is, how can there be עשר ספירות הגנוזות where there is only יחיד?
The Ma’amar mentions the זהר, פרד”ס, אריז”ל אלטער רבי.
The solution is the idea of שמות which basically means ספירות in אור.
This will be discussed further in the next שיעורים.