Introduction to Hemshechim in general and this hemshech in particular. RaNaT doesn’t finish. Since a hemshech is constructed in layers of concentric circles, where the questions that are asked are answered in reverse order, the first questions are not answered. Q1 – When Rosh Hashana falls on a Shabbos, Rabba made a takana that we don’t blow shofar except in the Beis Hamikdash because Shofar is for everyone and we are afraid that someone not expert in blowing shofar will carry the shofar in a Reshus Harabim in order to bring it to an expert. But Shofar is so important and its pnimius is teshuva which is also so important how can it be that Rabba would override a d’Oraisa (a Biblical commandment) for a doubt that maybe someone will carry? Lulav is the same situation, but the Seder on Pesach we do perform on Shabbos.
There are five levels of Torah interpretation: Pshat, Remez, Drush, Kabbalah, and Chassidus. Some questions can’t be answered on the level of nigleh and need the nistar of Torah to explain them. That is the case here. Shofar and Lulav bring down Hashem’s Elokus to this world. On Shabbos this world gets an aliya and goes up. So on Shabbos we don’t need to bring Elokus down to us. But Shofar in the Beis Hamikdash and the Seder on Pesach draw down even a higher level of Elokus and hence are necessary even on Shabbos.