Likutei Sichos – Vol 11 p 074 ff – Yisro must come so the Torah could be given (05)
Posted: May 12, 2021
True Freedom (142)(05)
Likutei Sichos vol 11 page 74 ff. Class Five. This final class on this Sicha teaches the lesson from Yisro’s decision to go out into the desert, because he was necessary to address and correct Klipa. The Lesson: you cannot leave evil unresolved or it’ll get worse, you must fix it. But first Krias Yam Suf (Yiddishkiet) directly is completed; and only afterwards is Milchemes Amalaik (engaging in correcting wrongs).
Class One Hundred and Forty Two: Likutei Sichos vol 11 page 74 ff. Class Five.