Likutei Sichos – Vol 11 p 074 ff – Yisro must come so the Torah could be given (04)
Posted: May 5, 2021
True Freedom (142)(04) Likutei Sichos vol 11 page 74 ff. Class Four. Mattan Torah is about ביטול הגזירה בין העליונים הותחתונים (the bridging of barriers between what is high and what is low). Krias Yam Suf was meant to set that up; but still Amalaik attacks, as Klipa is outside of the paramaters of “high” and “low”, so when Amalaik attacks Yisro knows he must join the Yidden. His coming transforms Klipa also and includes the lowest Klipa in the “nullification of the decree”.
Class One Hundred and Forty Two: Likutei Sichos vol 11 page 74 ff. Class Four.