Exile and Redemption (136)(03) – Introduction to New School Year (5781/2020-2021)
Posted: November 1, 2021
Exile and Redemption (136)(03)
Class Three. This class is the first of the new school year (5781/ 2020-2021) and the introduction is therefore necessary. Part 1: What is slavery? Having no control over oneself means not having the freedom to overcome our weaknesses – that is slavery. If a person can use self-control over chocolate, pizza, drugs, internet, gambling etc… that is freedom. Through Torah any human being can take control of him or herself. The purpose of life is to work and maximize oneself and that is freedom. Key Points: 1. God took the Jews and they came out of Egypt as a Nation. 2. God took Egypt out of the Jews and made them free. 3. Freedom is established by entering a life of Torah and Mitzvot and a relationship with G-d, this is challenging but it makes us bigger and more (or: Freer) that makes humans free. Therefore until the Jews received the Torah they were not yet completely free of Egypt. Class Length (33:52)
Class One Hundred and Thirty Six, The Chumash: The “Well of Miriam” Class Three.