Sicha – Alter Rebbe’s Siddur – Sefiras HaOmer (07)
Posted: January 27, 2018
Likutei Sichos – Vol 22 p 114 ff
The third point is that if one influences only himself that is good enough, but he has the power to affect the world also, like by Sefiras HaOmer, that counts days and (also) gets us to Shavuos. The Alter Rebbe follows but does not imitate the Arizal, as the Arizal wrote his Siddur for actual Mikubalim who live to affect the world, while the Alter Rebbe wrote his Siddur for everyone. The Arizal therefore finishes with Yom Tov and the Alter Rebbe with Sefiras HaOmer. Page 119-20.