Class Seventy Eight in Section Seven of G-d אויבערשטער
Posted: June 12, 2018
מדריגות לפני הצמצום(Part 21). עצמו”ה; מאור (Class 14). ספר המאמרים מלוקט חלק ב’ ע’ רפ”ה-ו’ והההערות. The second צמצום before the first צמצום discussed reveals the level of אור אין סוף which is higher than the level that is for the worlds; but at least it is revealed so it is through Tzimtzum. Question: How would אור אין סוף always exist that has nothing to do with worlds? The Answer: It exists as part of His שלימות. In this class we talked (tangentially) about the question of why Hashem didn’t make the world earlier than when He made it.