Class Sixty Five in Section Seven of The second idea
Posted: June 13, 2018
רס”ו ע’ תרס”ב-ג. אין קדוש כהוי’ה explains how in אצילות itself there is an idea of עלי’ה from טהרה to קדושה (ie from גרמוהי to חיוהי) based on the idea that even the אור ממלא in אצילות is קדוש in a unique way called אין קדוש כהוי’ה. He explains it by introducing the idea of אחליפו דוכתייהו which happens in (אור (ממלא [even after the אור already went into the כלים]. We addressed the question of אחליפו דוכתייהו that makes much more sense according to the המשך תער”ב which is the true idea of אורות מצויירים but is very questionable according to the שיטה of אורות פשוטים. There maybe some clarity for this question here.