Introduction: The Neshama’s three levels: 1) Etzem, 2) Kochos and 3) Levushim. Chapter 2 dealt with Etzem, Chapter 4 will deal with Levushim and our Perek will deal with Kochos. The idea of נשתלשלו מהם, that בצלמינו כדמותינו in חקירה means intelligence, but in קבלה it means that all the aspects that exist in אלקות on the level of אדם also exist in the נפש האדם. Three translations of כח: A) a potential (nothing in this world is created complete and “full” it must be completed and made full). B) a strength; (the possibility of actualizing the potential is waiting for us to use it and fulfill it). C) Tool (כחות have neither will nor conscience- people do, and we must exercise control, discipline, and deliberation about how we use our tools, so that they are used constructively and not destructively).