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Three levels of Malchus, that are divided into five:
1) Etzem of Koach HaMalchus, as part of the wholeness of the nefesh,
2) Hamshacha of Malchus that includes A. Being crowned though not considering Malchus yet, B. Desiring to King.
3) Actually Kinging, A. Feeling above the people, B. Actually making laws etc.
These three levels on high:
1) Malchus of Ein Sof after the Tzimtzum.
2) Ohr before the Tzimtzum where He considers Kingship, has two levels: A. Where the light is drawn from the Etzem, but He hasn’t considered Kingship yet, B. when He considers Kingship, the 10 hidden S’firos emerge.
3) Malchus in Etzem of Ohr, is a Koach on the level of Etzem
Above all that is Yecholes HaAtzmus.