Page 36-7.
The first part of this Shiur was dedicated to the fourth example of havdala in this Maamar: from Ratzon (will) to Sechel requires a Tzimtzum.
Later we discuss the havdalos as they apply on high specifically (the same four discussed above in the Mashal as they apply in the Nimshal) in Atzilus:
1) Ratzon to Chochma,
2) Hidden to revealed Chochama, we explain a little bit the idea of ‘Shsok Kach Ala BiMachshava’,
3) Mochin to Z”A, here we explain (a little) the levels of Yisroel DiLeAila (AV”A Iliain); Yisrael Saba UTevuna; Yisroel Zuta etc.
4) Malchus to Briya.
The Shiur finishes with the idea of Achor (of Elokus) meeting the Achor (Gashmiyus and Yeshus) of creation.