Posted: March 5, 2020
Derech Mitzosecha, Yiud And Pidyon Ama Haivriah Perek 1 Class 12. The “limitations of Amma” (the Neshama of Briah): Most of this class was an introduction, explaining Nevuah and a person being deserving of it. It is the level of Atzilus, It may not happen, but it is always (and everywhere) possible that it could happen. The Amma Ivriah is missing something to raise her from Briah (Mochin DiGalus) to Atzilus, and Yiud will help, as we will learn (inside) in the next class.
Derech Mitzosecha, Yiud And Pidyon Ama Haivriah Perek 1 Class 12.
Derech Mitzosecha, Yiud And Pidyon Ama Haivriah Perek 1 Class 13. This is the second class on Yiud. Shlomo HaMelech is described in שמונה פרקים קרוב לסופו as being a Navi though he “wasn’t perfect”. I think this is a perfect Mashal for Yiud: a Neshama of Olom HaBeriah that is past its Teva and is serving Hashem with the mind (מוחין ומדות דגדלות ועצע”ג) but has a “small” deficiency on the “בינה” level, is never the less raised up to Atzilus (Ein Sof, what we have been calling רוח הקדש and נבואה) from on high. In this class we explain at length the nature of the deficiency of Bina, Yesh, Murgash etc. The intellectual whose intellect doesn’t humble him is a deficient intellectual; the frustrated and not-listening intellectual is a efficient intellectual. In the language of Chassidus: מורגש.
Derech Mitzosecha, Yiud And Pidyon Ama Haivriah Perek 1 Class 13.
Derech Mitzosecha, Yiud And Pidyon Ama Haivriah Perek 1 Class 14. If the Master refuses to do Yiud (raise up the not completely worthy and deserving to Ruach HaKodesh [Atzilus],) the Neshama (of Briah) raises itself through “Katnus” words and letters. We’ll explain more in the next class. But this is also attributed to the אדון as it says והפדה because He helps with a מקיף.
Derech Mitzosecha, Yiud And Pidyon Ama Haivriah Perek 1 Class 14.
Derech Mitzosecha, Yiud And Pidyon Ama Haivriah Perek 1 Class 15. Introduction: if you can do good imperfectly (or wait till later) do it!! Because it’s here and is correctable later, as opposed to not doing it now and later it’s just not here. Example: Beginning of Iggeres HaTeshuva Perek 1 מצות עשה דוחה לא תעשה even though Teshuva for לא תעשה is harder because of the principal of עשה דוחה לא תעשה because of the concern of “האור נעדר” when it come to “קיום”. This is applied to ביום ההוא יהי’ על מצילות הסוס קדש להוי’ה do it like a horse but do it you’ll fix it later. This is פדיון, compensating for not being lifted into Elokus (יעוד) with anything even “cold” words.
Derech Mitzosecha, Yiud And Pidyon Ama Haivriah Perek 1 Class 15.
Derech Mitzosecha, Yiud And Pidyon Ama Haivriah Perek 1 Class 16. The repeat of yesterday’s discussion about the idea of ביום ההוא יהי’ מצלות הסוס קדש להוי’ה and the Gemara (פסחים נ’, א) that this means expanding Yerushalayim until the distance a horse runs until midday, when the shadow is directly beneath the horse. The Nimshal of this Yiddishkeit done “like a horse” can be enhanced later but a deed not done cannot be corrected. This is what the person doing “פדיון” is encouraged to osiyos of Machshava, Dibbur and Ma’aseh and they’ll make them better later. There is one condition however, that the Osiyos nust be guarded from לא טוב and to do טוב. We discussed at length the idea that every deed (negative and positive) has a positive and a negative. For Pidyon to work, not only the Sur MeRa must be from Tov, but the Asei Tov must be there also (from Kedusha and not from (Ra Shebi)Noga. This Shmira requires a Koach of Makif, which comes from the Ein Sof, this is why we include the Adon in the פדיון because the עצם הנמשה which is Elokus protects.
Derech Mitzosecha, Yiud And Pidyon Ama Haivriah Perek 1 Class 16.