Derech Mitzosecha, Yiud And Pidyon Ama Haivriah Perek 1 (1), עבד כנעני, עברי, אמה העברי’ה.
Posted: February 18, 2020
Derech Mitzosecha, Yiud And Pidyon Ama Haivriah Perek 1 Class 1. There are two Mitzvos here 1) marrying the Jewish maidservant, 2) Redeeming the maidservant. The actual phenomena (selling a young girl and “buying” her to be a servant in your home), is not a specific Mitzvah. This Mitzvah (according to the RaMbaM) was to help a very young girl get out of poverty, and even marry “rich”. For this to work, Yidden must be “Mentchen” on a very high level. This Ma’amar explains the Ruchniyus of this and explains many misunderstood details (for example: גרעון כסף) in a satisfactory way.
Derech Mitzosecha, Yiud And Pidyon Ama Haivriah Perek 1 Class 1.
Derech Mitzosecha, Yiud And Pidyon Ama Haivriah Perek 1 Class 2. The three levels of Eved Kna’ani, Eved Ivri, Amma HaIvriah. עבד כנעני wants to be Hefker. עבד עברי like the מלאך מט”ט is called עבד אמה העברי’ה even higher than those two. All this will be discussed going forward IYH
Derech Mitzosecha, Yiud And Pidyon Ama Haivriah Perek 1 Class 2.
Derech Mitzosecha, Yiud And Pidyon Ama Haivriah Perek 1 Class 3. Introductory class (to explain the Avodas Hashem of an “Eved Knaanai” who is בהפקרא ניחא לי’ה). Two ideas of Teva (nature) and Tanya. 1) The “Teva” of the animal Soul, that is contained by the will of Hashem. How? It has no natural inclination to sin (see Tanya beg Chapter 8). 2) The “Teva” of Ahava Tiviis (Misuteres). When revealed it is Mesiras Nefesh, when hidden, it is the Teva that causes אלמלא הקב”ה עוזרו אינו יכול לו. This is a hidden but real (“natural”) control. This is “the whip” the עבד כנעני “fears”.
Derech Mitzosecha, Yiud And Pidyon Ama Haivriah Perek 1 Class 3.
Derech Mitzosecha, Yiud And Pidyon Ama Haivriah Perek 1 Class 4. This class continues the discussion on the Eved Kna’ani’s working without real interest. He is forced, but he does do it because of the force. We also compared it to the Good in the Nefesh HaBahamis of a Yid, that there’s the סור מרע without the ועשה טוב.
Derech Mitzosecha, Yiud And Pidyon Ama Haivriah Perek 1 Class 4.
Derech Mitzosecha, Yiud And Pidyon Ama Haivriah Perek 1 Class 4. This class continues the discussion on the Eved Kna’ani’s working without real interest. He is forced, but he does do it because of the force. The meaning of the “force” is discussed here. [We also compared it to the Good in the Nefesh HaBahamis of a Yid, that there’s the סור מרע without the ועשה טוב].
Derech Mitzosecha, Yiud And Pidyon Ama Haivriah Perek 1 Class 5. Another level of Eved Kna’ani is the Rasha (even the lowest Rasha) who is motivated by 1) רשעים מלאים חרטות and 2) מקיף of על כל בי’ עשרה שכינתא שריא. The issue that (it seems) he joins the two Reshaim of Tanya Chapter 11 into one idea. Explanation of the awakening from the Makif itself.
Derech Mitzosecha, Yiud And Pidyon Ama Haivriah Perek 1 Class 5.
Derech Mitzosecha, Yiud And Pidyon Ama Haivriah Perek 1 Class 6. Beginning of Eved Ivri: 1) Passions to Elokus, 2) Has strong desires to Ta’ava, 3) The Teva of the Nefesh HaBahamis is the same. Who is this man? Both Tzadik (ViRa Lo) and a Beinoni, the key is he is Yetzira, וכפי שיתבאר לקמן. There may be a great error in this class, as we learn it will (arguably) become clear that the עבד עברי is (only) the בינוני and not the צדיק and this resolves the question of this class.” ועדיין צריך הדבר עיון גדול.
Derech Mitzosecha, Yiud And Pidyon Ama Haivriah Perek 1 Class 6.
Derech Mitzosecha, Yiud And Pidyon Ama Haivriah Perek 1 Class 7. Neshama of Yetzira is a Teva Neshama, both Teva of G-dly Souls and the Teva of Animal Soul. Loving G-d according to one’s personality is very great, but still Teva.
Derech Mitzosecha, Yiud And Pidyon Ama Haivriah Perek 1 Class 7.
Derech Mitzosecha, Yiud And Pidyon Ama Haivriah Perek 1 Class 8. This class is really only a note. The understanding of the two ideas of “טבע” of the Animal Soul and the G-dly Soul can be explained by the idea of קליפה on the one hand and the idea of the Neshama being called אלקות שנעשה נברא on the other.
Derech Mitzosecha, Yiud And Pidyon Ama Haivriah Perek 1 Class 8.
Derech Mitzosecha, Yiud And Pidyon Ama Haivriah Perek 1 Class 9. Inside עבד עברי. In this class we read the text for all that we’ve learned and thought and taught about עבד עברי. The inclination of this class is that עבד עברי is only בינוני and not צדיק and not the way we explained it before. והדבר עדיין צריך עיון גדול לכאורה (דיצירה שהוא מדריגת רוח הוא לכאורה מדריגא בצדיק כפי שמשמע בכמה מקומות)
Derech Mitzosecha, Yiud And Pidyon Ama Haivriah Perek 1 Class 9.
Derech Mitzosecha, Yiud And Pidyon Ama Haivriah Perek 1 Class 10. Introduction to Amma HaIvriah the level of מוחין דגדלות. The story of Reb Chayim Yonah whom the Rabbeiim told to be הצנע לכת and whom the Rebbe RaShaB described as asking the kinds of questions that the Alter Rebbe’s Chassidim had. Normally: there is מיצר הגרון and only the בכן goes from mind to heart. This is on the level of מציאות of the שכלי. However one who is holding by the אלוקי has no מיצר הגרון and המדות הם כמו המוחין ממש and this מוחין דגדלות!! The level of אמה העברי’ה a Neshama of Olom HaBeriah.
Derech Mitzosecha, Yiud And Pidyon Ama Haivriah Perek 1 Class 10.
Derech Mitzosecha, Yiud And Pidyon Ama Haivriah Perek 1 Class 11. The level of Amma HaIvriah which is (Olom HaBeriah and) Mochin DiGadlus actually transforms the nature of the Animal Soul to G-dliness. In particular, each Yid has all three levels: Eved Kna’ani is נפש, Eved Ivri is רוח and Amma HaIvriah is נשמה.
Derech Mitzosecha, Yiud And Pidyon Ama Haivriah Perek 1 Class 11.