
End of Vayishlach – 43 Pesukim dedicated to Aisav, his family, and their future: Edom, Seiir, (Yeshiva 5781/ 2020)

End of Vayishlach: 43 Pesukim dedicated to Aisav, his family, and their future: Edom, Seiir, (Yeshiva 5781/ 2020).
The Torah tells Torah’s version of history that ends with Moshiach (and is not an endless cycle, though it so often appears so.)
The history in the Chumash reflects this and it is in this spirit that so much time and ink is given to Eisav.
Many points were made in the class, including the degree of illegitimacy and the fact that Mamzeirim have Chutzpa [Amalek] and the question of when his family moved from Edom (south-east of Eretz Yisroel) to Italy and Rome; their intermarrying with the royalty of Seir and more.
The two key points were how all this sets up Torah history until Rome and therefore until Moshiach; and the idea of kings living and dying and each one is separate in Kelipa (Tohu) and connected in Kedusha (Tikun).

End of Vayishlach: 43 Pesukim dedicated to Aisav, his family, and their future: Edom, Seiir, (Yeshiva 5781/ 2020)

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