The day Before (5768). 17 IYAR/32 Baomer ends reason. 32 is highest level of (“the 32 alleys of) Chochma. 33 is transcendence. This is part of the idea that this (day 33) is connected to RaShBI.
Lag Ba’omer talk (5770). Lag BaOmer parades; how religious is Jewish pride? More than you could possibly imagine. It wakes up the Soul.
Lag B’aomer talk (5770)
A Lag Ba’omer Letter (5771). This letter was written by the Rebbe in IYAR 5711. It explains what Kabbala and Chassidus are about: Unity. Unity within the individual is a first step to ultimate unity in the whole world.
A Lag Ba’omer Letter (5771)
Before Lag BaOmer (5773/2013).
Before Lag BaOmer (5773/2013)
After Lag BaOmer (5773/2013). The Rebbe’s ‘special powers’ were always right, so he’s certainly right about Moshiach, ad Masai.
After Lag BaOmer (5773/2013)
Lag BaOmer talk (5774/2014). Lag BaOmer the RaShbI and the Rebbe, the holiest people seem to find common ground with the simplest and youngest among us.
Lag BaOmer talk (5774/2014)
The day after the Parade (5774/2014). How lucky are we? The history and spirit of the Lag BaOmer parades. Jewish pride that strengthens and reveals the Jewish Soul. ‘At this Parade the Alter Rebbe was’.
The day after the Parade (5774/2014)
Lag BaOmer (5776/ 2016). פרסום is American and must be employed in Yiddishkiet in this country.