Fast Days as a whole and Asara BiTeves in particular (5778/ 2017).
Posted: January 21, 2018
1) Fasts: A. fasts are עתי רצון. B. Fasts are days of תשובה. C. Seeing tragedy and saying that it is coincidental and part of the pattern of nature is considered cruel, one must see in everything a Divine message. D. When Moshiach comes these days are transformed into Yom Tov as they were (and will be revealed as such when Moshiach comes) days of maximum love between Hashem and us. 2) Asara BiTeves: A. We would fast even if it were Shabbos. B. The beginning of the sequence of fasts associated with the חורבן. C. The King of בבל is סמך (=supporting) the walls of ירושלים. D. We fast for three reasons: 1) תרגום שבעים and 2) the death of עזרא הסופר and 3) the siege was laid to ירושלים אין.