01. Hashem Melech… Machon LeYahadus (5782/ 2021) Class One.
Posted: December 15, 2021
01. Hashem Melech… Machon LeYahadus (5782/ 2021) Class One. This class is an introduction. This is not a Possuk (Hashem Melech, Malach, Yimloch); it is a composite. But it has it’s in ancient prayers already. We explained that this is end of the world of Asiya, as Boruch Sheumar begins Yetzira. We reviewed briefly the ideas of the four worlds as they relate to Davening. We proposed based on what we found in Sefarim that this can be seen as the Beis HaMikdash (10 Sefiros) of Asiya, where the acquiescence is most pure. [This will be discussed at greater length in the next class].