Hayom Yom – 30 Menachem Av, Class One 1) Some Minhagim of Elul are introduced today: A. We begin saying LiDovid Hashem Ori from the first day of Rosh Chodesh (30 Menachem). B. We don’t blow Shofar in Shul today, but ‘we practice’; the Rebbe made from this the highest idea, like a Minhag to a Minhag, and equates the blowing this day to the Shofar of Yom Kippur. 2) The Alter Rebbe Siddur, are the Mitteler Rebbe’s Hanachos (transcripts) that he reedited (and shortened) for the publication of his father’s Siddur with Chassidus. 3) The story of Reb Aharon Strasheler was mentioned and how the Alter Rebbe saw the Mitteler Rebbe on another level. The Mitteler Rebbe was allowed to write the Ma’amarim with his own understanding. These Ma’amarim were used to prepare the Sefer. When he reviewed them with his Chassidim he said them as he originally wrote them and not how he abridged them for the Siddur.