HaChodesh Haze Luchem 5713. (5772/2012).
(A Parshas HaChodesh Maamar). This Maamar explains the need to go through a lower step in order to reach a higher one. Creation is based on Tzimtzum, which can be (and is) in Avoda the idea of Chisaron (deficiency). First the Chisaron must be corrected and (only) then can the higher ideas come forward. This...
Hachodesh 5714. A HaChodesh Ma'amar.
Class One. 1) Creation, 2) Choosing creation, 3) Fixing Rosh Chodesh and Rosh Hashana, 4) Choosing Yaakov and his son, 5) Fixing Rosh Chodesh of Geula, Why is Rosh Chodesh of geula at a different time and not joined with rosh Hashana etc. Answer: it is higher than the entire phenomenon of Rosh Hashana. Why...
11. HaChodesh 5715 (A HaChodesh Ma'amar).
11. HaChodesh 5715 (A HaChodesh Ma’amar).Based on HaChodesh 5678. This Ma’amar explains the difference between יש מאין and עילה ועלול in a slightly different way than typical.Ther question is: is the part of the צורה of the cause (עילה or אין) revealed in the affect (עלול and יש).In עו”ע it is and this is the...
החדש ה'תשט"ז. A Parshas Hachodesh Ma'amar.
Class One. The Midrash discusses the idea of טובים השניים מן האחד by the communication of the first Mitzvah. Moshe and Aharon שושבינא דמלכא שושבינא דמטרוניתא. Physical vs. Spiritual Chometz. Torah is Bitul, Aharon is love, love cannot achieve the Bitul Torah can. [Therefore two anticipated in this first communication]. Class Two. Moshe and Aharon...
22. Hachodesh 5735 Mugga (A Parshas Hachodesh Ma'amar)
22. Hachodesh 5735 Mugga (A Parshas Hachodesh Ma’amar)This Ma’amar was edited by the Rebbe in 5750 (1990).It is being taught in three parts, discusses 1) the interface between Nissan and Tishrei, as well as 2) the interface between Breishis (creation- 25 Elul כ”ה) and Hachodesh Hazeh Lachem (first Mitzva), and it argues that these two...
25. Hachodesh 5736 (this is a Parshas Hachodesh Ma'amar) 2nd Ma'amar in Hemshech.
25. Hachodesh 5736 (this is a Parshas Hachodesh Ma’amar) 2nd Ma’amar in Hemshech.This Ma’amar is a direct Hemshech (serial) to the one before.In the last Ma’amar we celebrated nature and how it holds Atzmus (לא שניתי manifesting in לא ישבותו and חדשים כיום הבראם); in this one we celebrate miracles and change (חידוש). Miracles move...
22. Hachodesh (1) 5737, This is a Parshas HaChodesh Ma'amar.
Hachodesh (1) 5737, Class One.This class has two parts.In the first part we attempted to explain four levels: 1) Yichuda Tata’a, 2) Yichud Yichuda Ila’a and Yichuda Tata’a, 3) Yichuda Ila’a, 4) Havaya DilAila.In the second part we explained the idea of Rosh Chodesh in general: Yichud Yichuda I(la’a and Yichuda Tata’a; and Rosh Chodesh...
23. Hachodesh (2) 5737, This is a Parshas HaChodesh Ma'amar.
Hachodesh (2) 5737, This is a Parshas HaChodesh Ma’amar, Class One.The possuk is explored and explained. Bittul sets up the reneweal.Every Rosh Chodesh versus Rosh Chodesh Nissan, the idea of Rishon.Explanation of Rishon, the same everywhere and always. In this class an observation is made: in the last Ma’amar (HaChodesh (1)) the Rebbe quoted the...
Hachodesh 5739; Parshas hachodesh Maamar
Class One: This class (the first of two on this Ma’amar) deals with the idea of: לא הי’ צריך להתחיל התורה אלא החודש הזה לכם, ומה טעם פתח בבראשית? משום כח מעשיו הגיד לעמו לתת להם נחלת גויים The Torah doesn’t bring בראשית just to defend a non-Jew’s onslaught, but because the world is where...
החודש הזה לכם ה'תשמ"א.
(פרשת החודש) Class One. This class begins with a lengthy introduction about the Rebbe’s unique contribution to מאמרי חסידות. One of the Rebbe’s big new ideas is the idea of the אלקות of חושך וצמצום עצמו. This class explains the aforementioned idea by explaining why the Torah begins with (darkness) בראשית ברא אלוקים which must...
החדש הזה לכם ה'תשמ"ב.
Class One. This is a Parshas HaChodesh Ma’amar. There are four levels: 1) World, where divisions of time are not real 2) When Hashem “Chose” His world. Adding this choice makes the world of value to Him, but He puts His essence into it so the value is real. 3) the (theoretical) idea that will...
Hachodesh 5743 (1).
Class One. Three levels: 1) Nature, Elokim, everything changes and goes towards deterioration, 2) Havaya Lo Shanisi that affects that nature should remain unchanging. 3) Ness, the Miracle, the Havaya which is always new. The two levels of miracles are discussed in this Ma’amar in the contexts of: 1) Torah, 2) Tefila (Krias Shma, 3)...
Hachodesh 5743 (2).
Is HaChodesh on Rosh Chodesh or the entire month? This Ma’amar explores the Possuk (from the haftorah of Tzav) Al Yishalel Chochom BiChochmaso… only BiZos Yishalel’. The idea is that one’s greatness is measured in how he affects what is lower than him. This refers to Chochma of Malchus, as it is represented in Rosh...
Hachodesh 5744
the Creation, Hashem’s choice in creation, Hashem’s choice in His people. Nature, Miracles in nature, Miracles that are higher than nature. The interplay between nature and the supernatural, What this means in Avodah.
Hachodesh 5746. (5772/2012).
This is a Parshas Hachodesh maamar. The two levels of the Chidush of Nissan 1) Rosh Chadashim 2) Rishon….. LiChodshei HaShana,correspond to 1) The miracles that are higher than nature, and 2) How these miracles merge with nature . This Maamar also explores the miracle of creation that comes before the New year of Nissan...
Hachodesh 5747.
Two levels of revelation: the G-Dliness of the world and the G-Dliness of Torah. Part One. Part Two.
23. Hachodesh 5734 Parshas HaChodesh Ma'amar(Hemshech to previous Ma'amar).
23. Hachodesh 5734 Parshas HaChodesh Ma’amar (Hemshech to previous Ma’amar).1) Regular Rosh Chodesh has two levels: יעקב- creation, and יוסף- for more.2) Before each Rosh Chodesh there’s the כי יפקד מושביך- the Bittul before that produces the Molad.3) Nissan is above all the months, both in it’s Rosh Chodesh (ונפקדת) and in it’s pre-Moled Bittul...
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