20 Classes

Series on the ”King in the Field”

TISHREI Series on the ”King in the Field”; Tishrei Yom Tov (Holiday) SeriesA wonderful series on the Yomim Tovim (holidays) in the month of Tishrei. This series explains how Tishrei fits into the Jewish calendar. It includes material on the build-up to Tishrei, Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur and carries through to the joyous conclusion of...

L'Dovid Hashem Ori.

The special psalm (27) recited during ELUL, it’s significance and relevance.

The King in the Subway (5771).

The King in the subway. Version One (5771/ 2011): A new insight into how the Rebbe develops the Alter Rebbe’s Mashal (in Likutei Torah) on the King in the field. The Alter Rebbe’s field is a place for ordinary but perfect Jews, the Rebbe’s field is the place where we all will and do meet...

1 Classes

Chassidus and the Yamim Noraim

Chassidus and the Yamim NoraimThe season of Yom Tov comes on the heel of Chai Elul; this talk at ChaBaD of Brooklyn Heights draws these two things together.