10 Classes


IYAR. The second month of the calendar year. It is the first month after our exodus and is unique in having a Mitzva through its entirety- Sefiras HaOmer. There is a message of Teshuva and healing in this pre Mattan (The Giving of the) Torah month.

1 Classes


2 IYAR. The birthday of the Rebbe Mahara''sh (b. 5594/1834 d.5643/1882).

4 Classes

13 Iyar

13 Iyar

4 Classes

Pesach Sheini.

Pesach Sheini.

17 Classes

Lag Ba'Omer

Lag Ba'omer. On this day Rabbi Akiva's students stopped (interrupted their) dying, and Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai was Nistalek (passed away).

4 Classes

20-22 Iyar

20-22 Iyar Leaving Har Sinai and the aftermath.