8 Classes

Kapital 122 (5783/ 2023), Beis Midrash LiNashim UBanos 770; Beis Rivkah Seminary

Kapital 122 (5783/ 2023), Beis Midrash LiNashim UBanos 770; Beis Rivkah SeminaryIn this folder are the classes for Kapital 122, learned in anticipation of 11 Nissan 5783.It includes 1) a shorter version (one class) given at Beis Rivkah and 2) a longer version taught in conjunction with Beis Midrash LiNashim UBanos 770 (IYH).

Kapital 104 (5765).

Shorter Version. Longer Version.

Kapital 105. (5766).

Short Version. Long Version. Class One. Introduction. Long Version. Class Two. Introduction continued. Three ideas of klipa into Kedusha. Pnimiyus. Long Version. Class Three. Beginning of Kapital. Long Version. Class Four. rest of Kapital.

Kapital 106. (5767).

Short Version. Long Version. Class One. “Mi Yimalel Givurod Hashem” (“Who can speak the strength of Hashem”). Long Version. Class Two. “Ashrei Shomrei Mishpat….Zochreini….Vayigar biYam Suf….” Long Version. Class Three. 1) Korach, 2) Kivros Hata’ava, 3) Miraglim, 4) Eiegel. Long Version. Class Four. 1) Miraglim, 2) Mei Miriva, 3) Mishandling (entry into) Kina’an, 4) Hashems...

Kapital 107. (5768).

Short Version. Long Version. Class One. Introduction. Yodu LaHashem Chasdo viNifliosuv liVnei Adam. (We must thank Hashem for all His kindness and miracles He does to man). Long Version. Class Two. First three Posukim. Long Version. Class Three. Midbar (desert) What it means spiritually. Long Version. Class Four. Beis HaAsuri (prison) in the spiritual sense....

Kapital 108. (5769).

Short Version. Long Version. Class One. Introduction. Long Version. Class Two. Actual Kapital inside.

Kapital 109. (5770).

Long Version. Class One. Introduction. The entire Kapital inside (p’shat). Long Version. Class Two. Chassidic commentary on five of the Pisukim. Long Version. Class Three. First half with commentary. Long Version. Class Four. Second half with commentary.

Kapital 110 (5771).

Short Version. Beis Rivka Seminary. The Kapital has three basic ideas 1) Avrohom, 2) Dovid, 3) Moshiach. One can explain all of it on each of these three levels. Some basic thoughts. One can learn the entire Kapital as referring to 1) Avrohom, 2) Dovid, 3) Moshiach. Long Version (Beis Midrash LiNashim). Class One. The...

Kapital 111 (5772/2012).

Short Version (Beis Rivka seminary). The Kapital which is about the of praise of Hashem really comes down to the need for, and the strengthening of, Faith as indicated in its last Possuk: Raishis Chochma, Yiras Hashem. It explores Hashem’s miracles to the world as a whole, to Yidden especially in this world. It reveals...

Kapital 112 (5773/2013).

Short Version Kapital 112 (5773/2013). (Beis Rivka seminary). This kapital (112), deals with a Yid who is on the level of BiChal MiOdecha, it is all for God. and he achieves blessing also on the earth. The first part of the Kapital is between man and God and the rest is about the relationship with...

Kapital 113 (5774/2014).

Short Version (Beis Rivka seminary). For this year 5774. Kapital 113. Halel is about our exodus from Mitzrayim. This chapter is about going from darkness to light, thus the referencing and contrasting to Avoda Zara’s idea that Hashem is only in the heavens and not on earth. This is alluded to in the words ‘Avdei...

Kapital 114 (5775/2015).

Kapital 114. Beis Midrash Linashim: Class One Short version (overview) This is a very happy Perek, with four miracles: 1) The exodus from Egypt. 2) The birth of the Jewish nation. 3) Krias Yam Suf, the splitting of the sea. 4) Mattan Torah, the giving of the Torah. The first two are not questioned, the...

Kapital 115 (5776/2016).

11 Nissan 5776 (2016) Kapital 115 Beis Rivka Seminary. Short Version. הלל בגלות. עצביהם כסף וזהב… ישראל בטח בהוי’ה Beis Midrash Linashim: Short Version. עצביהם כסף וזהב מעשי ידי אדם …פה להם ולא ידברו, עינים להם ולא יראו ישראל בטח בהוי’ה Longer Version Class One Introduction. This Perek in Halel, is somehow a combination of...

Kapital 116 (5777/2017).

11 Nissan 5777 Kapital 116. Short Version: Pittsburgh Farbrengen. יקר בעיני הוי’ המותה לחסידיו. Dovid praises Hashem as he sees how the hardest things in his life made him the Chossid he eventually became. Beis Rivka Seminary. Introduction and quick read of the entire Perek. Long Version: Beis Midrash Linashim: Class One. Introduction part one....

Kapital 117. (5778/ 2018).

11 Nissan 5778, The Rebbe’s Kapital 117. In Short (Beis Midrash Linashim). Ten minutes on the Perek. In Short. Given to Beth Rivkah Seminary, a thought with the Kapital. Being Chassidim. The פרק When even Goyim praise Him. Class One. Introduction: This is the fifth הלל. The first four were about the initial יציאת מצרים...

Kapital 118 (5779/2019)

Summary Perek 118: This class is an overview of the entire Kapital given for Beis Rivka seminary This is the Halel (reveal, celebrate) of Hodaya (this that we must accept because it is beyond comprehending). Class one: Introduction about Hallel: The idea of miracles and revelation, is not every day. The six chapters of Hallel are six...

Kapital 119 (5780/ 2020)

Short Version Introduction:Farbrengen Short Version Part One: Six words: 1) Derech 2) Torah 3) Aidus, 4) Pikudim, 5) Chukim, 6) Mitzvos Short Version Part Two: Last six words: 7) Mishpatim, 8) Tzedaka, 9) Devarim, 10) Amiros, 11) Orach, 12) Niflaos Kapital 119 (5780/ 2020) Class One.176 Pesukim, longest Parsha (Nasso) longest Kapital Tehillim (119) and...

Kapital 120 (5781/ 2021), Beis Rivkah and Beis Midrash Linashim Ubanos 770

Kapital 120 (5781/ 2021), Short Version (Class 1) Given on 11 Nissan, Beis Midrash LiNashim UBanos 770.In this (the first of two classes) we read and explained the Perek inside simply.In a word: Lashon HaRa is a bad thing. Kapital 120 (5781/ 2021), Short Version (Class 2) Given on 11 Nissan, Beis Midrash LiNashim UBanos...