
Arbaa Rashei Shanim Heim 5731.

Arbaa Rashei Shanim Heim 5731.Rabbi Paltiel presents a ma’amar of the Lubavitcher Rebbe on Tu B’Shvat that discusses the concept of the “New Year for Trees” in both Halacha and Chassidus (source: Melukat, Vol.5, p.169). This shiur was presented in Shevat 5768 (January 2008) at the… Women’s and Girls’ Beis Midrash and Seminary for Higher...

3 Classes

19. Bachodesh Hashlishi 5734 (Muga), a Yisro (15 Shvat) Ma'amar.

19. Bachodesh Hashlishi 5734 (Muga), a Yisro (15 Shvat) Ma’amar.I taught this class in Yeshiva in 5768 (2008) and am now (5784/ 2024) reteaching it in two classes, so you have a short (lecture-type) version and a longer version.The Ma’amar explores the idea of a point (the occasion of Rosh Chodesh Sivan and Mattan Torah)...

15. Arbaa Rashei Shonim 5737

Arbaa Rashei Shonim 5737, Class One.This Ma’amar is a hemshech (continuation) from last Ma’amar (Shmos) it continues the discussion about Torah coming after Galus:After first (limited) Galus Niglah of Torah, like planting and growing grain, the grain (seed) that is planted and the grain that grown are the same the gain is only in quantity.After...

20. Basi Ligani (15 Shvat) 5738 (Muga)

Basi Ligani (15 Shvat) 5738.PDF of the Ma’amar. Basi Ligani (15 Shvat) 5738, Class One.This is the inverse to the Ma’amar of the 10 Shvat Basi Ligani, as it is about Torah and Har Sinai rather than about Dira BiTachtonim (building the Beis HaMikdash).The idea of Mattan Torah and Torah gives the Koach for all...

Arbaa Rashei Shanim Heim 5745

Rosh Hashana is all about Tzimtzum! This Ma’amr that followed the Yud Shvat (5745) chidush of Tzimtzumim explains, that the reason for a head (of a year) is so the light can be brought lower and lower and lower, so that the Yid down here can achieve Achdus with Hashem through Avoda.

16. Arba'a Rashei Shanim Heim 5735

16. Arba’a Rashei Shanim Heim 5735All four Rosh Hashanahs are similar; they share the properties of Bittul at the outset and joy at the end.This is true of the three Regalim (Yamim Tovim) as well; they have a Bittul property (walking with the feet) and they’re joyous due to the harvest.However, though they all share...