11. Alapayim Shana Kedema Torah L'briaso shel Olam (אלפים שנה קדמה תורה לברייתו של עולם) -5711
11. אלפים שנה קדמה תורה לברייתו של עולם ה’תשי”א The idea of time before creation is analyzed here: A. Need for clocks, B. Idea of change, C. Time itself is (in essence) a creation. Before time the idea of time means level, and in this case: the worlds begin with Midos. The two Mochin are...
16. 1 - Chamisha Kinyanim (חמשה קנינים) 5712
חמשה קנינים ה’תשי”ב 1 The first of two Ma’amarim by the same name. The first accentuates Torah, the second Yisroel. Kinyan is Atzilus. As it changes nothing from before Atzilus, it is only גילוי ההעלם. There are three ideas of Kinyan discussed: A. אצילות is Hashem’s Kinyan naturally. B. The elevation and correction of what...
17. - 2 Chamisha Kinyanim (חמשה קנינים) 5712
חמשה קנינים ה’תשי”ב 2 This Ma’amar places נשמות ישראל above all else including Torah. He discusses at length the idea of Yerida Tzorech Aliya, and explains it in three ways: 1) The ability of Neshama down here, to reach higher than it is On High, is because the challenges of down here get the Neshama...
17. Besha'a Shehikdimu 5714
17. Besha’a Shehikdimu 5714Jews are better than Malachim (angels) for Torah, why?
18. Vayedaber Elokim 5714
18. Vayedaber Elokim 5714Gevura is involved in joining the Neshama and the Guf together.Gevura is further used to help the Neshama overcome the challenges of the body and the world.This results in the Neshama having the (Yerida tzorech) Aliya.The Avos don’t have this Aliya for several reasons.The Avos are serving Hashem like ריח and we...
להבין ענין מתן תורה תשט"ו
Class One. To explain the gift of the Torah that is dependent on Jews who are in turn dependent on the Torah. [For two reasons this dependency exists: 1) they protect each other, 2) in Essence they are the same]. The Rebbe explains how a Neshama is on high: 1) It exists in אצילות (as...
להבין ענין נתינת התורה ה'תשט"ז.
Why Malachim are standing still while Neshamos are called Mihalech. 1) because the Malachim have a body and a soul that are close while the body and soul of the Jew are very far apart (which is why they have the power of Ein Sof to procreate). 2) malachim are from Dibbur while Neshamos are...
Tz'Ena UrEna 5722.
Class One. This Ma’amar is being taught in two shiurim. The first shiur deals with the Biur of the Ma’amar that discusses the idea of Koach Ein Sof being present (only) in Neshamos Yisroel in this world davka, and not in Malachim (or anything else) because only in Neshamos is there the joining together of...
19. Bachodesh Hashlishi 5734 (Muga), a Yisro (15 Shvat) Ma'amar.
19. Bachodesh Hashlishi 5734 (Muga), a Yisro (15 Shvat) Ma’amar.I taught this class in Yeshiva in 5768 (2008) and am now (5784/ 2024) reteaching it in two classes, so you have a short (lecture-type) version and a longer version.The Ma’amar explores the idea of a point (the occasion of Rosh Chodesh Sivan and Mattan Torah)...
29. Vayomer Lo Yehonasan Machar Chodesh 5735
29. Vayomer Lo Yehonasan Machar Chodesh 5735This Ma’amar given in two classes, deals with two ideas:1) The typical discussion of Machar Chodesh; that in order to have renewal and birth the old is altogether erased and then there’s renewal (מולד); this is Bittul of the Body animal soul and one’s portion of the world, which...
30. BiSha'a Shehikdimu Yisroel... (Mi Gila LiBanai Raz Zeh) 5735
30. BiSha’a Shehikdimu Yisroel… (Mi Gila LiBanai Raz Zeh) 5735.This Ma’amar speaks of נעשה ונשמע; it explains that for Torah to be given, Yidden needed to first exclaim נעשה ונשמע;It further explains however, that in order to say נעשה ונשמע they needed to discover ‘the secret’ [of נעשה ונשמע or the secret that would lead...
31. Vayedaber Elokim 5735 (a Shavuos Ma'amar)
31. Vayedaber Elokim 5735This Ma’amar explains the idea of pre and post Mattan Torah Yiddishkeit; before- ריחות (like a fleeting good smell), after- שמו תורק שמך כמריק מכלי אל כלי (having the actual bottle of perfume and the substance -permanence- of the Torah). This is juxtaposed against (and answers many questions) on two Pesukim: 1)...
32. Bayom HaShaini... Nesanel ben Tzuar 5735
32. Bayom HaShaini… Nesanel ben Tzuar 5735Yisaschar is Torah, but still comes second to Yehuda due to the need for Bittul first.This is explained in two ways (in the two classes on the Ma’amar): 1) Tefilla before Torah.2) In Torah itself there is Bittul.
34. Besha'a Shehikdimu Yisroel 5736
34. Besha’a Shehikdimu Yisroel 5736This Ma’amar is very organized and clear.The theme is the precedence of Na’aseh to Nishma, as it manifests in numerous aspects. 1) You cannot do Mitzvos unless you know what they are (‘hear them’ first), however there can be an attitudinal precedence to that also. to resolve to accept whatever you...
35. Lihavin Inyan Mattan Torah 5736
35. Lihavin Inyan Mattan Torah 5736This is a quite the Ma’amar! Short and very deep.The greatest thing is Divine Revelation, because that’s the purpose for the creation.Steps are taken to get the revelation forward. In general there are three steps: A. revealing ‘all’ the light, but in fleeting way (like the waft of perfume); B....
32. Vayedaber Elokim 5737 (This is the First of two Shavuos Ma'amarim)
Vayedaber Elokim 5737 (This is the First of two Shavuos Ma’amarim).This typical Maamar asks typical questions, but provides a unique answer. (Based on ויגדלו הנערים העת”ר).1) There’s advantage in saying words of מקרא, תורה שבכתב without understanding anything over learning and understanding other parts of Torah thoroughly; because you are saying G-d’s words and He...
33. Vayedaber Elokim 5737 (This is the Second of two Shavuos Ma’amarim)
Vayedaber Elokim 5737 (This is the Second of two Shavuos Ma’amarim, said the Shabbos after Shavuos).את כל הדברים האלה includes all the future Torah including the disputes all coming from G-d who is all about unityלאמור that when we learn HE learns with us just as it was when He gave it: באימא ביראה ברתת...
34. Bisha'a Shehikdimu 5738 (Shavuos related)
Bisha’a Shehikdimu 5738(The first of a two part Hemshech connected to Shavuos 5738)The days leading up to Shavuos great things happened.A) Rosh Chodesh, 1) Three is the number of Torah 2) ביום הזה revelation 3) מדבר סיני the challenge and the opportunity, 4) ויחן שם ישראל כאי אחד בלב אחדB) 5 Sivan the Geirus and...
35. Vayedaber Hashem 5738 (a Shavuos Ma'amar)
Vayedaber Hashem 5738 (a Shavuos Ma’amar) Class One. This is the second part of the Hemshech.In this Ma’amar the idea of לאמור is continued from the precious Ma’amar, but a different idea is introduced: that it is critical to speak Torah with one’s mouth, because it brings from the highest high to the lowest low.אנכי...
27. מחר חדש ה'תשל"ט This is the first in a המשך about מתן תורה
מחר חדש ה’תשל”ט Class One: The Torah existed before מתן תורה but we received עוז תושי’ה and שלום to achieve the point of the ביטול הגזירה. The basis for all of this is ביטול. The idea of לאמר that any Yid at any time can recreate the אימה יראה רתת and זיעה of מתן תורה...
28. בחדש השלישי ה'תשל"ט This is the second מאמר in a המשך about מתן תורה
בחדש השלישי ה’תשל”ט The day Yidden arrived at Har Sinai two events occurred: 1) ויחן שם ישראל… כאיש אחד בלב אחד Yidden achieved a unity based on a deep ביטול which allowed for מתן תורה to happen 2) ביום הזה there was a revelation of הזה which also (helped) allow מתן תורה to take place....
29 צאינה וראינה ה'תשל"ט This is the third מאמר in a המשך about מתן תורה
צאינה וראינה ה’תשל”ט Class One: This first class in this Ma’amar deals with the easier parts of the Ma’amar that follow the two that came before it. The idea of ואני המתחיל the Power that comes from Him, Himself to affect ביטול in Yidden and bring together “high” and “low”. What is unique about this...
30. ועשית חג שבועות ה'תשל"ט This is the fourth מאמר in a המשך about מתן תורה
ועשית חג שבועות ה’תשל”ט This class has a lengthy introduction explaining כתר and specifically פנימיות הכתר and it’s unique connection to חג השבועות. In this class each of the seven questions the Rebbe asks is addressed and explained one after another. Shavuos we “do” by the preparing we do before.
בשעה שהקדימו ישראל נעשה לנשמע ה'תש"ם (Hemshech 1).
Three מאמחז”ל replete with contradiction: 1) Were the crowns created by Yidden or the Malachim? 2) Were there one, two or three crowns? How DO we reconcile the מדרש שיר השירים that speaks of one crown from Yidden to Hashem נעטרה שעטרה לו אמו ביום חתונתו The גמרא שבת that when Yidden said נעשה קודם...
צאינה וראינה בנות ציון ה'תש"מ (Hemshech 2).
Class One. This class was on the ביאור (the middle of the מאמר). The question of עבודה צורך גבוה has three answers: In חקירה the answer is עבודה לאו צורך גבוה leaving many misunderstood מאמרי חז”ל. In קבלה the answer is עבודה צורך גבוה in השתלשלות but לא איכפת לי’ה as far as אדון יחיד...
על שלשה דברים העולם עומד ה'תש"מ (Hemshech 3).
Class One. This מאמר is the third in a המשך that discusses the (one two or three) crowns associated with the event of מתן תורה. The question of the number of crowns and who gives them to whom is resolved with the Gemara on the פסוק ברן יחד ככבי בקר ויריעו כל בני אלוקים. All...
ועשית חג שבועות ה'תשמ"א.
Class One. This class introduces the essential point of this מאמר. The idea that the beginning and essence of everything is what we give Hashem entirely on our own, this is… 1) תפילה which radiates entirely from the person. 2) הקדימו נעשה לנשמע. The הקדימו, this is what we give Him; consequent of that there...
-ועבדי דוד ה'תשמ"ב -א
This is Shavuos Ma’amarim. This, the first of two Ma’amarim that are based on a Ma’amar of the same title from ה’תרצ”ט 1939 is not normally a Shavuos title and the Rebbe addresses this anomaly. The content of the Maamar deals with the same subjects as the Frierdiker Rebbe’s Maamar which deals with Yehuda and...
-ועבדי דוד ה'תשמ"ב -ב
This is Shavuos Ma’amarim. This is the second Ma’amar on this Possuk. In this one the Rebbe develops many new ideas (based on the Tzemach Tzedek’s notes) on the “old theme” of ועבדי דוד. He brings a Gemara that speaks of קיסר ופלגי קיסר Moshiach and an assistant, He also speaks of משה הוא גואל...
וידבר אלוקים ה'תשמ"ב.
This is (being taught) as the third Ma’amar in a Hemshech. This Ma’amar was taught as the third part in a series on Moshiach. In this class we explore Moshiach as a teacher of Torah. All revelation must follow Mitzrayim and concealment in order to reveal. Torah of Moshiach on the level of vision follows...
A Parshas Nasso Ma'amar ה'תשמ"ג (?)
צאינה וראינה ה’תשמ”ב There are three Midrashim regarding crowns and Mattan Torah, in one there is one crown, in another there are two and in the third there are three. These contradictions are resolved in this Ma’amar. They correspond to serving Hashem with Mesiras Nefesh בכל מאודך in each of the three areas of תורה...
Vichol HaAm Roim 5744 (a יתרו Ma'amar)
(This is a Yisro Ma’amar) Why was Mattan Torah with so much fan fair and noise? The idea is that Mattan Torah reveals ‘Atzmus’ that breaks ‘The decree that separates the higher from the lower’. The ‘noise’ affects Bittul which is (in a way) the Keli to receive ‘Atzmus’ The Class discusses the change that...
Karov Hashem 5744.
Class One. Moshe’s explaining to the Malachim that they didn’t get the Torah because they don’t have a Yetzer Hara etc, is really about the idea of Dira Bitachtonim. Fortunate is one who comes here (to Gan Eden) with the Talmud in his hand, meaning he brings along the level of Torah connected to action....
B'Shaa Shehikdimu 5745.
Class One This shiur explains the three level of 1) Bitul to Ratzon Prati of the Mitzva, 2) Bitul to the Will for all Mitzvos (as one), 3) Bittul to Hashem (He who has given them the Mitzvos). Class Two. In this class we explore the connection between the three bittuls 1) Ratzon Prati, 2)...
Us'Fartem 5745 (Erev Shavuos)
This Erev Shavuos Ma’amar talks about the three steps of 1) Yetzias Mitzrayim, 2) Sefiras HaOmer, 3) Mattan Torah, and argues that in each of these three there was a Koach Elyon that allowed for this event to happen 1) Nigla Alaihem… 2) MiMuchras HaShabbos, the higher than hishtalshelus Koach for Sfira, 3) the ‘Tmimos’...
Tzena UrEna 5745.
Another Shavuos Ma’amar. The Crowns: were there one, two, or three of them? Did they come from the Malachim to us or from us to Hashem? The answer: the source of all the Crowns are the Yidden, and they gave them to Hashem, but we need the help of the Malachim and therefore it is...
Ko Sivurchu 5745.
Class One. Another Ma’amar that is (in part) a Mattan Torah Ma’amar. Why is Hashem introducing Himself as the Redeemer and not as the Creator, considering that Creation is Yesh MeAyin and a far greater miracle? The Rebbe explains because we look at things when they are actual (revealed) and not potential (hidden). Though from...
Im Bichukosai 5746.
Before Shavuos, Hashem begs us (Im Bichukosai- Lashon Tachanunim) to do Mitzvos wholly. This means in all three levels: Machshava- thought and spiritual connection [Bichukosai TaLaichu), Dibur- Learn and understand the detail of the halacha of Torah (ViEs Mitzvosai Tishmoru], Maase’- Action with Kabbalas Ol [VaAsisem Osom].
VaYomer Lo Yhonasan Machar Chodesh (Sivan) 5746.
Two points of view on the world and the Torah: To learn about the world from the Torah and to learn about the Torah from the world. Two approaches to serving Hashem: From Heaven to earth and from earth to heaven.
Lehavin Inyan Omer Siorim 5746.
The Korbon Omer of barley (on Pesach) was a Korbon against the animal, and the Shtei Halechem of wheat that was Chometz (on Shavuos) was the “Human” aspect of Korbon. These two Korbonos combined to allow the eating of Chudush.
Atta HarAisa Ladaas 5746.
Two gifts of Mattan Torah: 1) Hashem gave us Himself, 2) He gave us the dew of (for) resurrection. These two gifts are called rain and dew. At Har Sinai and its aftermath even the unearned dew is earned. It is therefore called “Geshem Nidavos”- rain of generosity. Even Moshe benefited from these two gifts.
V'chul Haam Roim Es Hakolos 5746.
The sounds, flairs and sounds of the Shofar are Chesed, Gevura Tiferes. As Hashem gives them they are from the top down and we apply them from the bottom up. How the Shofar “that is narrow at one end and wide at the other end” can apply “from the top down”. The Torah of Shavuos...
Bishaa Shehikdimu Yisroel 5747.
Was it two crowns or three that were given at Har Sinai? A unique insight into this question.
Vehar Sinai ASHAN Kulo 5747. (Motzoei Shavuos).
Smoke- what’s it doing at Har Sinai? The world is filled with Fire and the world itself smolders.
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