
Boruch HaGomel (5687/1927) (short)

Boruch HaGomel (5687/ 19270 (short).An overview given to some girls on account of a HUGE Ness that happened to them.One can celebrate the physical (side of the) Miracle (ברוך שעשה לי נס) or the Soul behind it (ברוך הגומל)…

Asara Sheyoshvim 5688. (5771).

This Maamar was said and “given out” for the first anniversary of his release from the Soviet Prison in 5687.

נתת ליריאך תשי"א.

The difference between בירורים and נסיונות. Birurim correct both the person and the object one is dealing with. נסיונות are so deep a test from so deep an evil that the good within has become evil. Accordingly, the correction is in the person alone because the item being corrected has no reality as it is...

11 Classes

Ma'amar Nasata Liraiecha Nes Lihisnoses (נתת ליראיך נס להתנוסס) - 5711

Ma’amar Nasata LiYeraiecha 5711A Maamar about Nisyonos (tests) vs. Birurim.There are 26 classes on this Ma’amar.

נתת ליריאך תשי"ב

Class One. Miracles, the process that brings them about, a higher order in the creation is in effect. Class Two. Tests that conceal so extremely reveal the same kind of light as the revealed miracle does!

4 Classes

20. Lima'an Da'as (למען דעת כל עמי הארץ) 5713 (Achdus Hashem)

20. Lima’an Da’as 5713 This classic Ma’amar (that apparently has some history) is presented here.It is considered the “Rebbe’s version” of the classic “Veyada’at 5757” of the Rebbe RaShaB; but this is so different with so much more, it can hardly be seen as anything other than an original Ma’amar with loose similarities to the...

4 Classes

20. Lima'an Yechaltzun Yedidecha 5714

20. Lima’an Yechaltzun Yedidecha 5714Yitzchok is called ‘Yedid’ (as per אשר קידש ידיד מבטן among other examples), due to his Gevura: fighting to create a relationship form the person by himself. This Ma’amar explores אהבה כרשפי אש on the highest level, but that is entirely human!!

4 Classes

28. Havaya Li BiOzri 5717 (Muga)

Havaya Li BiOzri 5717 (Muga)

34. Az Yashir Yisroel 5735 (1st of 4 parts of Hemshech)

34. Az Yashir Yisroel 5735 (1st of 4 part of Hemshech)This is the first of four Ma’amarim in a Hemshech about the Possuk מעין גנים באר מים חיים ונוזלים מן לבנון.The miracle celebrated in these Pesukim and this song, is not the (incredible) miracle of the בארה של מרים that provided millions of people and...

2 Classes

35. Shiru LaHashem Shir Chadash 5735 (2nd of 4 parts of Hemshech)

35. Shiru LaHashem Shir Chadash 5735 (2nd of 4 parts of Hemshech)This Ma’amar was said on Sunday night 13 Tamuz (as a continuation of the Ma’amar Az Yashir Yisroel, said the day before on Shabbos 12 Tamuz) 5735. It is the second of a four part series revolving around the (two) Possuk(im) 1) אז ישיר...

3 Classes

36. Ach BiGoral 5735 MUGGA (3rd of 4 parts of Hemshech)

36. Ach BiGoral 5735 MUGGA (3rd of 4 parts of Hemshech)The center (ביאור) of this Ma’amar continues the theme of the two that came before it. It continues the discussion on the advantage of באר מים חיים (a well dug by people) over מעין גנים (a fountain straight from heaven) because our Avoda gets us...

37. Aileh Masei 5735 (4th of 4 parts of Hemshech (?)).

37. Aileh Masei 5735 (4th of 4 parts of Hemshech (?)).This is ‘the typical’ Masei Ma’amar, that until (עבר לירדן מזרחה) Moshiach comes (you enter into the ‘ארץ טובה ורחבה גו good and broad land etc.) we’re continuosly leaving Mitzrayim. This involves repeated journeying, and when it is done על פי השם (as explained in...

5 Classes

38. 39. 40. Nasata LiYireiecha Nes LiHisnoses 5736 (Mugga).

38. 39. 40. Nasata LiYireiecha Nes LiHisnoses 5736 (Mugga).The Rebbe said three Ma’amarim in a row, all beginning with this same Possuk נתת ליריאיך נס להתנוסס מפני קושט סלה למען יחלצון ידידיך הושיעה ימינך ועניני (A. Shabbos Chukas-Balak 12 Tamuz; B. Sunday 13 Tamuz; C. Tuesday 15 Tamuz, and then (later) instructed that they be...

35. Gefen MiMitzrayim Tasia 5737

Gefen MiMitzrayim Tasia 5737.The first of three Ma’amarim associated with 12 Tamuz (50th anniversary) 5737.The point of the Ma’amar: The key to the Jewish people’s travels is Na’aseh ViNishma; it really requires Bittul because to see travel as advantageous is impossible, it is only that this is His will, that as we travel we grow.This...

37. Seu Yedaichem Kodesh 5737

Seu Yedaichem Kodesh 5737.This is the third Maamar in the 12 Tamuz sequence (on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the original 12 Tamuz). This Maamar is reminiscent of the Maamar the Alter Rebbe said when he was released from prison to calm and quiet Chassidim’s exuberance. This was particularly important for the struggle...

40. Ze Hayom Usa Hashem 5738 (12 Tamuz)

Ze HayomUsa Hashem 5738 (12 Tamuz) Class One.In Miracles there are two outstanding characteristics: 1) greater vs smaller miracles 2) more impact-full vs less impact-full miracles.As it turns out, smaller miracles are (more believable and therefore are) more impact-full than greater ones. So… which is preferred? (The answer will, be in the next class). Ze...

33 דעו כי הוי' הוא האלוקים ה'תשל"ט

דעו כי הוי’ הוא האלוקים התשל”ט This is a י”ב תמוז Ma’amar For the Rebbe RaYaTz beginning his hundredth year, when he would recite פרק ק in Tehillim. The point of the Ma’amar is to explain that we עמו וצאן הרעיתו were tasked to affect הוי’ הוא האלוקים in the world through work. The idea...

35. גפן ממצרים תסיע ה'תש"מ.

Class One. Elokim, Havaya in Elokim and Havaya by itself. Class Two. Mihalech, being in motion reveals the highest powers.

36. ברוך הגומל ה'תש"מ.

Yetzias Mitzrayim was forever. Going out of Galus brings out the greatest Kochos. עמו וצאן מרעיתו Being a sheep is (spiritually) higher than being a member of His people.

הוי' לי בעוזרי ה'תשמ"א.

Class One. This class has a lengthy introduction about Yud Bais Tamuz and the idea of Mesiras Nefesh. The part of the Ma’amar learned is the beginning and the end. The point is that the salvation of Dovid from his challenges and his receiving divine help depends on actually seeing his enemies as a challenge...

עשרה שיושבים ה'תשמ"ב 1

Based on the Previous Rebbe’s Ma’amar from 5688. Just as ten Jews are needed for a Minyan and the effect reveals the 13 attributes of Mercy, Similarly, when one learns with ten Jews it reveals the 13 attributes of the interpretations of Torah (Torah SheBa’al Peh)

עשרה שיושבים ה'תשמ"ב 2

Class One. This class on this Ma’amar repeats and organizes the ideas that show the similarity between Davening and Learning with a Minyan. Class Two. This class focus on the asymmetry of Torah with a Tzibur and Tefilla with a Tzibbur. Davening is more important in terms in reaching up. Torah is more important in...

עשרה שיובים ועוסקים בתורה ה'תשמ"ב 3

Class One. More on the advantage of Tefilla over Torah it is the real source of Bittul Of being an Eved. Class Two. Another point regarding Torah study, that in bringing light downward it is fulfilling the divine plan in creation and as such it reaches “Atzmus” Thus placing Torah in as much as it...

ברוך הגמל לחייבין טובוח תשמ"ג

This Bracha is different than other ברכות הנס as it is also (primarily) about the spiritual Journey, this is the reason for the change of format etc. This struggle has four categories (the latter finer than the former) all connected to the Neshama coming down here.

שאו ידיכם קדש תשמ"ג

One of the Ma’amarim of the redemption of 12 Tamuz 5687. The issue is that hands are connected to action (the lowest thing) and holiness is the highest thing, how do these two come together. The Rebbe explains that the purpose is to do actions, hands, and raise them up to the levels of 1)...

Pada Bishalom 5744.

Class One. The Gemarah that links this Possuk to Torah, Avoda, and Gemilas Chasadim. The Rebbe links this to ‘the three pillars on which the world stands’. These three are affecting one’s 1) mind, 2) body, 3) world. The narrow world (the person) and the greater world. Yerida Tzorech Aliya of the Neshama, from a...

Boruch HaGomel (1) 5745.

This is the first of two maamarim based on this Bracha. The Rebbe RaYaTz said this maamar twice in 5687 also. The two maamarim complement one another and some ideas are explained at length in the first and abbreviated in the second and other aspects are developed more in the second. In this first Maamar...

Yehi Hashem Elokeinu Imanu 5745.

The Ma’amar is based on the Sicha of 3 Tamuz 5687, Yehi Hashem Elokeinu Imanu, that is a Tefilla, though it begins with a Posuk. It discusses the order of the Kuntres 12 Tamuz observing that it begins with Galus comparing Yidden to grapes that do the best when removed from their roots. The Rebbe...

Baruch HaGomel (2) 5745.

Class One. 1) The Neshama in a Guf is a Golus, 2) In this world in Galus is a double Galus, 3) the four that must say Gomel. That spiritually refers to a sinner doing Teshuva, is the ultimate Yerida, which brings the ultimate Aliya. This yerida is so low, and its potential Aliya so...

Hodu LaHashem Ki Tov 5746.

Yerida Tzorech Aliya. The four categories that need to praise and submit to Hashem, how are they in spiritual and refined terms. A. Yehi Hashem Elokeinu Imanu 5746, Part One. (5772/2012). Based on the Frierdike Rebbe’s Maamar from 5685 (1925). The descent into Golus affects that the high become higher and the low lower. On...

Se'u Yedeichem Kodesh 5747. (5772/2012).

The Zohar explains that two Havayos in one Possuk should be understood as two Havayos (DilAila and Diltata- higher and lower). Moreover as one grows they discover many levels of higher and lower Havayos and what is higher to one level is low to the level above itself etc. [Levels of infinity]. This Possuk Se’u...