2 Classes

02. Shuva Yisroel 5716

02. Shuva Yisroel 5716This Ma’amar juxtaposes ‘doping it right’ versus Teshuva.The first class deals with Hisbonenus and Achdus on various levels. It explains how the mind then comes down to the heart and action.The sinner has compromised some part of שם הוי’ה and Teshuva repairs it by going higher [-to the ‘Fifth Level’: Yechida. He...

29. Ksones Bad Kodesh 5736.

29. Ksones Bad Kodesh 5736.This unique Ma’amar explains the four guarments the Kohain Gadol wore on Yom Kippur in holy of holies.There are two ideas here:A. how each is distinct, and is connected to another level and protects and heals and corrects on another level.מצנפת in the meeting between Ein Sof (Kesser) and Atzilus that...

Ki Vayom Haze Yichaper 5748.

This Maamar was said on Shabbos Parshas Acharei 5748. It is however (also) a Yom Kippur Maamar.