Posted on November 2, 2017 by Rabbi PaltielRabbi Paltiel gives his take on the New Year’s roshei tevos (acronym) and then gives everyone a bracha for the New Year.
5772. A suggested acronym: Shnas Tavo Alecha Bracha.
Some history to support this idea. Three hundred years ago this year was so named, based on the Baal shem Tov’s suggestion that to help Yidden spiritually you must first provide for them physically.
5781. The Rebbe Provided the acronym.
5781 ה’תשפ”א- the Rebbe says פלאות אראנו and not אראנו פלאות and we need to analyze this. The Rebbe Provided the acronym.Sicha Vayigash 5751 page 214 footnote 94 (enclosed).
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