Kvod Malchuscha 5712.
The process of creation is About Gevuros, but then the Gevuros must be sweetened to reveal Hashem’s Melucha in the world. This is the difference between 25 Elul and Rosh Hashana. Every year Hashem resigns and His kingship renewed not from words alone, but from words accompanied by deeds (of Shofar). Tekiya (powerful) Shvurim (breaking...
Hayom HaRas Olom 5713.
Class One. Maamar Hayom Haras Olom 5713 part one. Maase is the end of lifnei haTzimtzum and Machshava means Atzilus. All year only Sof Maase [Kav] comes into Atzilus, on Rosh Hashana Techilas Maasecha [Ohr Lifnei HaTzimtzum that is the mekor for Olomos and higher] also comes down until Asiya. Machshava is Atzilus [explanation: Koach...
Lehavin... Ze Hayom Techillas Maasecha 5713.
Class One. Chapters 2-3 explain how the Neshama is in the Tzelem and Dimus of G-dliness allowing her to experience one of several levels of Achdus. Sin however, cuts this inspiration source off. Then the Neshama needs Korbonos to draw energy from Tohu to compensate for the wrong. Class Two. Questions and answers. Though Korbonos...
Ze Hayom 5714
Class One. This typical Rosh Hashana Ma’amar explores the idea of ‘Helem’. When all godliness is gone, what is left? God! This is the ‘Koach HaHelem of Malchus. All the revelations from Malchus are added to it in the process of ‘Binyan Hamalchus’ and when all of that is nistalek (removed) what is left is...
KiTapuach Ba'atzei Hayuar 5714.
A Ma’amar of the Alter Rebbe and the Tzemach tzedek that has not been developed by the later Rabeiim that much, is always full of surprises. This Ma’amar can be seen as two distinct discussions: 1) How could a Yid appear side by side with Malachim who are prosecuting them on Rosh Hashana itself. We...
01. Shema Yisrael 5715
01. Shema Yisrael 5715This Ma’amar is about why this Possuk is included among the Pesukim of Malchiyos on Rosh Hashana.There are reasons not to include it (since Shema is Yichuda Ilaa which leaves no possibility for Malchus) but then it is included because Shema’s Achdus happens in two steps: lower Yichud (which allows for Malchus)...
להבין ענין ראש השנה תשט"ז
Class One. Rosh Hashana has three ideas: 1) Inyan Rosh Hashana- creation 2) Tochen Rosh Hashana- renewal, 3) Mitzvas Rosh Hashana- Shofar why all of this happens for man, because he is not a mind but a Soul. Class Two. The Human being is the purpose of creation, because he represents an essence. He is...
זה היום ה'תשי"ז.
Class One. This class explains מלכות basically. It is a relationship based on 1) distance, 2) enhanced by the crowning from the people. Class Two. This class explores the additional idea of levels in מלכות: 1) The level of רוממות עצמי 2) The level of רוממות על עם 3) The level of actually ruling. Class...
01. Shma Yisrael 5720
01. Shma Yisrael 5720This Ma’amar (based on Ma’amar with the same name from 5671 and 5715) explains how the lower worlds can also Know Hashem בגין דישתמודעון בי’ה but not only what is proximate to them, but even the higher (and highest) truths.Accordingly the Possuk Shma Yisrael is debated (in the Gemara) and then included...
42. Ze Hayom 5733 (1st Ma'amar in Hemshech).
42. Ze Hayom 5733 (1st Ma’amar).There are three ideas: 1) כ”ה Godliness concealed (or revealed a little), 2) ז”ה (Godliness revealed but apart from the world), 3) the joining of ז”ה and כ”ה to reveal what is above the world in the world.Only Yodden can do this, as in Yidden there is בצלמינו כדמותינו; both...
43. Ze Hayom 5733 (2nd Ma'amar in Hemshech).
43. Ze Hayom 5733 (2nd Ma’amar in Hemshech). The ideas of joining כ”ה and ז”ה together using the power of the Yid who entails both בצלמינו כדמותינו is developed further here with a series of examples:1) Nissan, Elul, Tishrei2) ובקשתם משם and כי תדרשנו which culminates in ומצאת3) גורעין (Elul) ומוסיפין (the Divine assistance) ודורשין...
01. Shir Hama'alos 5734 (first of two in a Hemshech).
01. Shir Hama’alos 5734 (first of two in a Hemshech).This Ma’amar reviews the three levels of Ratzon (found in the Ma’amarim of Rosh Hashanah 5703, 5665.It is connected to the idea of ממעמקים which is deeper than מעומקים. The Ma’amar explores why there are two levels in this itself.
02. Shuva Yisroel 5734 (2nd Ma'amar in Hemshech)
02. Shuva Yisroel 5734 (2nd Ma’amar in Hemshech)This Ma’amar which also speaks of the three levels of Ratzon and revealing a renewed interest from Atzmus in the (purpose of) the creation.Here it is about Teshuva, the higher Teshuva.
45. Atem Nitzovim 5734
45. Atem Nitzovim 5734A wonderful Ma’amar delivered in three parts, juxtaposing the day of creation (25 Elul) and it’s strengths with the day of the creation of man (1 Tishrei) and his strengths.He explained it using the form of צלם and דמות, unity vs. detail.He ties into the Possuk Atem Nitzovim which has both unity...
01. Tiku BaChodesh Shofar 5735
01. Tiku BaChodesh Shofar 5735The renewal of Rosh Hashana as superior to the constant renewal (יש מאין) of 25 Elul.
44. Sos Asis 5735
44. Sos Asis 5735The Ma’amar of Nitzavim is also the Shabbos before ROsh Hashana and explains how the special level of Godliness (שוש אשיש בהוי’- עשי”ת; תגל נפשי באלוקי- שמחת תורה) reaches us (כי הלבשני בגדי ישע) and reaches and stays with us (מעיל צדקה יעטני כחתן יכהן פאר וככלה תעדה כלי’ה) during this time.The...
45. Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana 5735 (-6)
45. Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana 5735 (-6)This year (תשל”ה- תשל”ו) was 70 (complete) years since the Rebbe RaShaB said and wrote the classic Hemshech (series) of ‘Samach Vov’. The Rebbe ‘reviewed’ (loosely) the first Ma’amar (Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana) the night before Rosh Hashana, and the second one (Ze HaYom Techillas Ma’asecha) quite...
01. Ze HaYom 5736
01. Ze HaYom 5736This Ma’amar (loosely follows the previous one) is the Rebbe exploring the second Ma’amar in the ‘Samach Vov’ on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Rebbe RaShaB writing and saying this Hemshech (series) the first time.The previous Ma’amar (said Erev Rosh Hashana 5735-6) was based on the beginning and end...
06. Lihavin Inyan Tishrei 5736
Lihavin Inyan Tishrei 5736.This is ONE LONG CLASS on a Ma’amar (perhaps it should have been done in two classes).Understanding Tishrei as a whole (rather than through it’s various days that are special) is achieved by studying it’s names: 1) Tishrei A. head B. release and atone, C. Master (King) D. Bring G-dliness down from...
48. Atem Nitzavim 5736 (1st Ma'amar).
Atem Nitzavim 5736 (1st Ma’amar).The point of this Ma’amar is that when Hashem returns to His essence (חוזר לעצמותו) on Rosh Hashana and it is left to Yidden to renew His Kingship, this is achieved by their return to their own essence, from which level they are in the position to Make Him King again.היום...
45. Atem Nitzavim 5737
Atem Nitzavim 5737.Hayom היום is Rosh Hashana זה היום תחילת מעשיך when Adam was created and he crowned Hashem as King, in three steps: A. מלך kingship, words B גאות praise C. לבש garments.These three are linked to the three meanings of האמרת and האמירך A. Praise, B. Garment, C. wordsthese correspond to the essence...
46. Ze Hayom 5737 (Erev Rosh Hashana 5738)
Ma’amar Ze Hayom 5737 Erev Rosh HaShana (2 classes) Ma’amar Ze Hayom 5737 Erev Rosh HaShana, Class One.Part 1 of this ma’amar addresses the classic question of why more of an issue is made of the creation of man than of creation itself.The answer, of course is that man fulfills the point of creation.The analysis...
01. Min Hameitzar 5738
Min Hameitzar 5738, Class 1: This introduction to the ma’amar covers the Rebbe’s array ofquestions, essentially asking, “If life of every Yid going inot Rosh Hashana is so good (as ChaZaL say) how is it possible for a person to cry ‘Min Ha Meitzar’ (from a place of narrowness and being squeezed)?” A person cries...
47. Atem Nitzavim 5738
Atem Nitzavim 5738 This Parsha is the Bracha that gives the strength to crown Hashem a King on Rosh Hashana. Yidden even before Rosh Hashana stand with strength and certainty, as Hashem uses us a Merkava and we are uniquely positioned to make Him King. The idea of the Bris is discussed here as well...
01. Yivchar Lanu 5739
יבחר לנו ה’תשל”ט Class One: To some extent at least this class is a Hemshech to the last Ma’amar of 5738 (Atem Nitzavim). Hashem replaces Elokim with Havaya, through the blowing of the Shofar, Havaya and various levels and time. The idea of Binyan HaMalchus (the mystical form for making Hashem the King) is through...
02. Shir Hamaalos Mima'amakim 5739
Shir Hama’alos Mima’amakim 5739 Class One: Hashem is crowned as as a King by being praised and called a King. This class discusses the idea of שמות and שבחים that reveal כחות from Elokus and Tzadikim etc. Different levels of names: 1) Calling someone smart or kind. 2) Calling him by his name, but where...
39. Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana 5739
39. Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana 5739 This Ma’amar said Erev Rosh Hashana over the hookup is a Rosh Hashana Ma’amar. This Ma’amar asks the standard questions about Rosh Hashana on Shabbos, but gives atypical answers. The Nefesh has Giluyim (Kochos and Livushi). There are two Meshalim for Giluyei HaNefesh (or: Ein Sof): Ratzon (Will...
וביום שמחתכם ה'תש"ם
The idea of this Possuk according to Chassidus is to link the חצוצרות to the שופר we blow even now. This means that in addition to the ביטול of שופר there is the מציאות of the איד as he is חצי צורה with Hashem.
01. זה היום תחילת מעשיך ה'תשמ"א.
Class One. The world was created on the 25th of Elul which is special in so many ways, but we celebrate Rosh Hashana on 1 Tishrei, because of the revealing of G-dliness in the lower worlds. This is connected primarily to the נשמה, but the נשמה needs the body to bring it to this world....
59. זה היום תחילת מעשיך ה'תשמ"א.
Class One. This מאמר has three levels: 1) זה היום תחילת מעשיך this is the idea that when man was created the purpose of the world began. That the purpose is to reveal G-dliness into the world(s). 2) זכרון ליום ראשון is the idea of חפץ חסד which is Hashem’s delight above man’s access altogether....
והי' ביום ההוא יתקע בשופר גדול וגו' ה'תשמ"ב.
Class One. The Shofar of Moshiach is included in our Pesukim of Shofar because even now we have the Shofar that will be then and it’s incredible power to bring Jewish people back. Class Two. The Shofar of now has four aspects: 1) The Shofar itself, that makes Him a King through our efforts, as...
[Erev Rosh Hashana 5742 to 5743] Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana 5742/3
Class One. Shabbos has two levels: 1) The delight of Shabbos which happens by itself, 2) The delight of Shabbos which is connected to Avoda. Rosh Hashana is also about delight, but it is higher than both of the aforementioned levels, it reaches the מקור כל התענוגים- the source of all delight. It actually isn’t...
תקעו בחדש שופר תשמ"ג
Class One. This class revolves around the Paragraph in Siddur: היום הרת עולם היום יעמוד במשפט כל יצורי עולמים אם כבנים אם כעבדים היום הרת עולם means that today man was not only created but conceived, originally as four separate elements and only afterwards joined together, so the Avoda must involve the ideas of each...
Zeh Hayom 5744.
Class One. 25 Elul vs. Rosh Hashana. 25 Elul: 1) Creation Yesh MeAyin, 2) Braishis, the first or before the first Utterance, 3) Yachid BaOlomo, 4) Emes, 5) Ko is a level of Prophecy. Rosh Hashana: 1) He hides the Neshama in the physical body, 2) Asiya in His Tzelem. Rosh Hashana joins Zeh (Rosh...
Tiku 5744.
Class One. A Possuk without RaShI or the Gemara reads quite differently. We blow when all is new and from Pleasure (Shofar). But it comes down from there into Bachodesh HaShvii, Biechad Lachodesh and Yom (Zichron) Truah. Class Two. Two becomes three (Perhaps: Pshitus, Klal, Pratim): Tiku Bachodesh: the source of newness that encompasses all....
Tiku Bachodesh Shofar (Rosh Hashana) 5745.
Class One. The first class on this Ma’amar is introductory, underscoring what is unusual about it. 1) On Rosh Hashana everything is renewed from Atzmus. 2) It then comes down into the smallest details, 3) Because ‘Dira BiTachtonim’ is the point of all creation. Class Two. This second class on this Ma’amar explores the details...
Dirshu Havaya BiHimutzo 5745.
This is a hemshech to the Rosh Hashana Ma’amar. The discussion here is about the idea of special prayer (connected to Davening with a Minyan or during the ten days of T’shuva when one is equal to an entire Minyan) that Hashem cannot ignore and He must answer kvayachol. On one level there is only...
Tiku BaChodesh Shofar 5745.
Class One. The first of two classes on ‘Tiku’ from Elul 5745. The Ma’amar explains the need to renew the M’lucha from Atzmus. This is done by Yidden through ‘crowning Him’. The Rebbe argues that the fact that we crown Him and that we use a human Mashal is proof that every Jew has the...
Vehaya Bayom Hahu Yitaka... 5746.
Class One. The middle of the Maamar Vahaya bayom hahu (the beginning and the end will be in the next shiur IYH) deals with the pisgam (from Siddur) Ze HaYom Techillas ma’asecha zikaron LiYom Rishon. Is our Rosh Hashana higher or lower than the one Hashem inspired in the beginning of time ‘Ki Chafetz Chesed...
Tiku 5747.
This Rosh Hashana Maamar explains that though all things, including time (and space) itself are renewed from nothingness every second some things, moments and people (Yidden) are special. All these come together to crown Hashem as King on Rosh Hashana.
Shir HaMaalos Mimaamakim 5747.
Class One. The Nekuda of Malchus has no Metziyus. It therefore reflects Atzmus. Binyan HaMalchus therefore is revealing Atzmus. Class Two. The Nekuda of Malchus is Atzmus (RaDL”A) and not helem of Hishtalshelus at all. Yet Binyan HaMalchus reveals even RaDL”A- the unrevealable!
Ze Hayom Techilas Maasecha 5747.
Why is kingship so important to Rosh Hashana? It is the only way to “bring” Hashem into our world without changing.
Tiku Bachodesh Shofar 5748.
Renewal on Rosh Hashana for the whole year and especially for this month is accomplished through our efforts. The same idea can be demonstrated regarding the events surrounding the Tzemach Tzedek’s birth.
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