
The day after (Rosh Hashana) (5784/ 2023)

The day after (Rosh Hashana) (5784/ 2023)Making Rosh Hashana last. The day after (Rosh Hashana) (5784/ 2023)

Reb Zusha's TESHUVA.

The Hayom Yom of the Aseres Ymei Teshuva. The five methods based on the letters of the word TESHUVA.

HoRaisa Derech Teshuva...

(From the Slichus) of Tzom Gedalia. Horaisa Derech Teshuva Livas Hashoveiva. The poem included in the Tzom Gedalia Slichus (as is the case with much of this Slichus) it’s more about Aseres Yemei Teshuva than about Gedalia.

TESHUVA origins.

Examples of Baalei Teshuva.

10 days of Teshuva- a thought.

This class was given on Tzom Gidalya and is based on the Slichos of this day.

8 Tishrei (a thought) (5782/ 2021)

8 Tishrei (a thought) they once did not fast Yom KippurWhen the first Beis HaMikdash was built, but maybe when Moshiach comes also…