Lehavin Inyan Simchas Torah 5712.
Class One. This first class on this Ma’amar discusses the Biur (philosophy/ mysticism) of the Ma’amar. Neshamos are called ‘Kol HaNikra BiShmi…’. This means that all of Godliness (anything other than Him) even the highest light, is brought forth by Neshamos. In addition since we emerge as separate beings (as opposed to Torah, which is...
Lihavin Inyan Simchas Torah 5713.
Class One. 1) Overview of the middle of the Ma’amar (for lack of time). Two kinds of Nekuda (point) the deeper one is when the point has no positive aspects only that it exists because Hashem made it, there is the ultimate Bittul. 2) Rosh Hashana is about malchus, which means Bittul, as does Shmini...
03. Lihavin Inyan Shmini Atzeres ViSimchas Torah 5714
03. Lihavin Inyan Shmini Atzeres ViSimchas Torah 5714Simcha mean revelation.Wine reveals what is hidden for man (Hisbonenus and Ahava ViYirah); and for ‘Elokim’ (Avoda reveals the Ayin of the Yesh and the Ayin of the Yesh HaAmitti and the Yesh HaAmitti itself in the lower Yesh; also אין אומרים שירה אלא על היין includes and...
כי נער ישראל ואוהבהו תשט"ז.
Class One. The heavens and the earth are linked: The lowest levels of heaven (השתלשלות) to the highest levels of earth (אצילות), and the link is revealed and obvious (גילוי ההעלם). The highest levels of heaven (עצמות) and the lowest levels of earth (בי”ע) are linked but the connection is sublime and will be revealed...
תורה ציוה ה'תשי"ז
Class One. The two levels of a Yid’s relationship to the Torah (based on the two levels of the Neshama this Hemshech explores): Torah that feeds a Yid ישראל אתקשראי באורייתא ואורייתא בקודשא בריך הוא Torah that needs a Yid to have it (more deeply) connect(ed) to Hashem. לשמה. דוד הי’ מקשר תורה שלמעלה עם...
Liosei Niflaos Gidolos 5722.
This Ma’amar has a Simchas Torah idea, but was said on Monday (Noach) 29 Tishrei (to the departing guests). Liosei Niflaso 5722, a Simchas Torah Maamar based directly on the Alter Rebbe’s version, which creates for a very interesting learn. There are three (or four) levels: A. Kindness, B. the source of kindness C. and...
06. Bayom HaShmini 5734 (a Shmini Atzeres Ma'amar).
06. Bayom HaShmini 5734 (a Shmini Atzeres Ma’amar).1) Two Midrashim: A. Make me a small feast for me to enjoy; B. After feasting with everyone he says to His friend ‘Let us revel together’ [alone].2) These two Midrashim represent two ideas: A. the Avoda of the Nefesh HaElokis alone; B. the Avoda with the N....
08. Liosei Niflaos 5734 (Shabbos Breishis Hemshech to Simchas Torah)
08. Liosei Niflaos 5734 (Shabbos Breishis Hemshech to Simchas Torah)Two interpretations of the (the 2nd) Possuk of Atta Haraisa, (RaShI and the Ba’al Shem Tov) converge to explain what in creation is wonderous even to Hashem.There is only one such thing ישראל מקדשי שמיך, the idea that Yidden (due to the fact that they are...
05. Lihavin Inyan Simchas Torah 5735
05. Lihavin Inyan Simchas Torah 5735Simchas Torah is not only that Yidden rejoice with the Torah; but that Yidden will give the Torah (additional) joy.
04. BaYom Hashmini Atzeres 5736
BaYom Hashmini Atzeres 5736 BaYom Hashmini Atzeres 5736.This typucal Ma’amar that revolves around the two Midrashim of Shmini Atzeres:1) The king who asks his friend to stay for one more day and enjoy what is left over from the feast.2) The father who suggests that the daughters married to people who live farther away should...
06. Lihavin Inyan Tishrei 5736
Lihavin Inyan Tishrei 5736.This is ONE LONG CLASS on a Ma’amar (perhaps it should have been done in two classes).Understanding Tishrei as a whole (rather than through it’s various days that are special) is achieved by studying it’s names: 1) Tishrei A. head B. release and atone, C. Master (King) D. Bring G-dliness down from...
05. Lihavin Inyan Simchas Torah 5738 (Muga)
Lihavin Inyan Simchas Torah 5738This Ma’amar is a Hemshech to the last one.The idea of “Achas” is continued here. The Rebbe adds that “Achas” is brought forward through Teshuva, which is above all limitations, including the limitations of time. After Tishrei the “Achas” comes down into our daily actions, not only Torah and Mitzvos but...
04. Bayom Hashmini Shalach 5739
Bayom Hashmini Shalach 5739 This Ma’amar is from the Haftora of Shmini Atzeres. The story was that when the celebration of the building the Beis Hamikdash was complete, the people didn’t simply leave, they were sent off. This was the Shlichus they were taking home from being with the King. He gave them a shlichus...
ביום שמיני עצרת ה'תש"ם
(The page numbers and layout are a bit different than the text I used, so you must adopt a little). The idea of חידוש was discussed at length in this class. The point the Rebbe is making is that the idea of חידוש is by a בעל תשובה. The Rebbe links this to שמחת תורה...
ביום השמיני שלח את העם ה'תשמ"א.
Class One. This class explains two ideas in Teshuva (that are to a great extent opposites): 1) Actualizing the nature of the נשמה. This itself has two aspects: A. It’s nature to reunite with it’s Source (Hashem) after being separated and placed in a physical body. B. It’s desire to do what her Maker (Hashem)...
להבין ענין שמחת תורה ה'תשמ"ב.
Class One. Tishrei is a Teshuva event and therefore the process begins בכסה ליום חגינו which means that the highest revelation is hidden initially and only revealed afterwards. On Shmini Atzeres the effect of the Teshuva is implanted and takes root, to grow throughout the year. This is special for the Jewish People. The difference...
להבין ענין שמחת תורה התשמ"ג
1) Shmini Atzeres is about תשובה, Shavuos is about צדיק. Therefore the עצרת of סוכות is right after סוכות, as תשובה takes no time, while the עצרת of פסח is seven weeks later as what צדיקים do takes time. שמחת תורה is joined with שמיני עצרת to add the joy element which breaks all barriers...
Liosai Niflaos Gedolos 5744
This Ma’amar explains the connection between the Psukim of Ata HarAisa and Hakafos and Simchas Torah. 1) Ata HarAisa: Achdus on the highest levels, 2) Liosai Niflaos, not like RaShI Yesh MeAyin but like the Ba’al Shem Tov, From Yesh to Ayin that has two advantages: A. Atzmus, B. Revealed. 3) How this is connected...
Yehi Havaya Elokeinu 5745.
This Possuk which is one of the seventeen Psukim of Ata HarAisa, is a Prayer that Shlomo said, implying that even in his time it was necessary to underscore the superiority of the Avos and to pray that Hashem should be with us as He’d been with them. The Ma’amar explains this by explaining the...
Lehavin Inyan Simchas Torah 5746.
Class One. Simchas Torah we all dance with all of the Torah though we own only a portion of it; or (only) one letter, because on the level of inheritance we all inherit all of the Torah. In this Ma’amar there is (also) an interesting chidush about woman and learning Torah. Class Two. The need...
Bayom Hashmini 5747.
The two sides of Shmini Atzeres- the highest and the lowest. Birurim and struggle, For Yidden alone.
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