
Kapital 110 (5771).

Short Version. Beis Rivka Seminary. The Kapital has three basic ideas 1) Avrohom, 2) Dovid, 3) Moshiach. One can explain all of it on each of these three levels. Some basic thoughts. One can learn the entire Kapital as referring to 1) Avrohom, 2) Dovid, 3) Moshiach.

Short Version

Long Version (Beis Midrash LiNashim). Class One. The simple P’shat: we went over the kapital 3 times (Rashi and E. Ezra), explaining how this Kapital corresponds to: Avrohom Avinu, Dovid the son-in-law of Shaul, and Dovid the King of Yisroel.

Class One

Class Two. This Kapital is explained in Midrash to refer to Avrohom Avinu who complains why he is to Hashem’s left while his grandson (Moshiach) is to His right. Hashem explains that any right (revelation) of anyone is based on Hashem being to Avrohom’s right. Avrohom represents an incredibly high light to which all is like nothing. He allows that after him there should be (what Chassidus calls) “Oros in Keilim”.

Class Two

Class Three. We now explain the kapital as referring to Dovid Hamelech who “brings great light down into the vessels”. Dovid- Malchus receives and reveals light of Chesed of hishtalshelus.

Class Three

Class Four. Moshiach waits out the “Yemin” (Chesed, Giluyim) and reveals the higher source of Gevuros (in other words- Atzmus).

Class Four

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