Short Version (Beis Rivka seminary). For this year 5774. Kapital 113. Halel is about our exodus from Mitzrayim. This chapter is about going from darkness to light, thus the referencing and contrasting to Avoda Zara’s idea that Hashem is only in the heavens and not on earth. This is alluded to in the words ‘Avdei Hashem’ meaning that we went from being slaves of Mitzrayim to become slaves of Hashem. In our serving of Hashem we are free.
Long Version from Beis Midrash Linashim.
Class One. Halel every day means that every day (for the next six years) will be special. Higher than Hishtalshelus (praise and) revelation. Emes of Tefilla,the Neshama for open miracles. The first psalm is about going from darkness to light, from Galus to geula, thus the contrast between Achdus and Avoda Zara here.
Class Two. Inside Possuk 1: Haleluka, why only ‘Ka’, to bring down from mind to heart and the mind should control and direct the heart. Avdei Hashem owe it to Him to thank Him, Halelu Es Shaim Hashem, Es means that Havaya is secondary to Atzmus. Possuk 2: Yehi Shaim Hashem Mivorach, the Rebbe’s Sicha MaB (42) and RaCh (soft) this includes Gevura and Chesed, like going from Galus to Geula. MrAta Viad Olom, from the ‘Eis’ time of Hei (Malchus) forever, other worlds. Mimizrach Shemesh Ad Mivo’o, He is known. In Atzilus He is fully revealed. Ram.. In Briah He is not so obviously revealed.
Class Three. Review; inside continued. Ram Al Kol Goyim: 1) The Goyim see Him as not involved, 2) He actually is removed (in terms of Hashgacha) from Goyim. Al HaShamayim K’vodo, He rules only the heavens and not the earth. Mi KaHavaya Elokeinu, His relationship with Yidden is different, He is their personal God, and is involved with them without the Mazalos. However, there is the other side of this coin, that Yidden get only what they deserve and not when they don’t deserve. The five extra Yuds in this Kapital which is seen as extra in Pshat represents Malchus (Nekuda) in Sod. This Yud is what He gives His world and through it He gives the worlds what they need including Himself. HaMagbihi Lashaves, 1) He rests above the heavens also, 2) He distances Himself when Yidden don’t deserve, 3) He goes higher to bring His light lower. HaMashpili Liros BaShamayim UVa’aretz. He pays personal attention to the Yidden. Even when He hides from them the end will be that He’ll bring them back, so even how He hides from Yidden is different.
Class Four. [This class has a lot of aspects that have precarious sources and are the teacher’s own ideas. The class must be listened to with that in mind]. Review ‘Mikimi MeAfar Dal MeAshpos Yarim Evyon’- The end of Galus sees Hashem raise us out of the Galus from the earth and waste, but it is in the earth and in ashpa that new life forms, thus we don’t only survive the Galus we grow and procreate from it. ‘Lihoshivi Im Nedivim’- the nobles are on a much higher place but they do not have the power of creating new life, ‘Im Nedivei Amo’- these nobles are bottul to Hashem and are therefore able to procreate. ‘Moshivi Akeres…’- the barren Yid in Galus is transformed into… Habayis, a home full of children and new life, and ‘Aim Habanim Smaicha’- the mother rejoices openly with her children, and there is celebration of Mesiras Nefesh in the times of galus that brought on the Geula. Haleluka, now Bina causes revealed Simcha with no fear of it going wrong and no need for a Shmira.
Class Five. ‘Eved Hashem’ includes Moshe Rabbeinu and the Tzadik (as explained in Tanya Perek 15). There must therefore be a quality of Yetzias Mitzrayim even for such people. This is the idea of Moshiach teaching Tzadikim how to do T’shuva.
Short VersionClass OneClass TwoClass ThreeClass FourClass Five