11 Nissan 5778, The Rebbe’s Kapital 117.In Short (Beis Midrash Linashim). Ten minutes on the Perek.
In Short. Given to Beth Rivkah Seminary, a thought with the Kapital. Being Chassidim. The פרק When even Goyim praise Him.
Class One. Introduction: This is the fifth הלל. The first four were about the initial יציאת מצרים where we still had some connection to גלות (Kapital 113); the second was once we altogether freed and removed from any association with מצרים (Kapital 114); the third is הלל recited after a severe צרה and we survive (Kapital 115); and the fourth is דוד המלך’s personal הלל, he sees all the challenges of his life as a part of what and who he is. This הלל is גויים saying הלל. This seems odd but the idea is that eventually the mastery of Hashem over His world leaves no room for the deniers to deny anymore. In this class we visited (again) the basic theme of הלל that it is above טבע and שכל and השתלשלות. It celebrates seeing the purpose of the world playing itself out in the world.
Class Two. Saying Hallel every day over all these years means that the every-day is on the level of reciting this praise that shines light on the world on the level of its purpose- to reveal Hashem’s purpose in the world. Two basic ideas of Hallel: A. חיצוניות praising Hashem for miracles etc. but on a worldly level. 1) that He gives all of man-kind the gift of humanity: a. we are in His image, b. we reproduce others in kind; the reproduction of animals which is also from the כח האין סוף; rain that gives life to the world. 2) הללו את הוי’ כל גויים as it applies to סוכות and the בית המקדש that from what He gives Yidden כי גבר עלינו חסדו it feeds everybody. 3) חנני’ מישאל ועזרי’ה and גבריאל praise Hashem for saving them through גבריאל. 4) The מאירי doesn’t count הללו את הוי’ כל גויים as a פרק onto itself, rather it is part of דוד’s הלל because they cannot (in his opinion) see the higher purpose in the world. B. פנימיות how the גוי comes to see להוי’ הארץ ומלואה. We will explain in the next class IYH.
Class Three. Continued. The פנימיות of הללו את הוי’ כל גויים: Two things in this world reveal the constant expression of the “inner world” that is incongruous with the “real” world and yet it is all around us: 1) ברכת הזרע that the Jewish nation would forever identify as Avrohom’s descendants and teach the world about monotheism, charity, family and child-rearing. 2) ברכת הארץ that ארץ ישראל would be the property of the Jewish people and here Avrohom said he wanted a proof (or foundation) במה אדע כי אירשנה. But both these blessings are part of a higher order. The recognition of this higher truth by non-Jews is the הללו את הוי’ כל גויים. There are four levels here: A. גויים B. אומים C. עלינו D. עולם. Two levels of גויים and Yidden and then the nature of the world itself says הלל.
Class Four. Inside. הללו את הוי’ כל גויים Goyim who lose their personal identity לעתיד acknowledge that everything serves a higher purpose. שבחוהו כל האומים Goyim who have their own identity לעתיד לבוא and are servants of Hashem (directly) also say praise. כי גבר עלינו חסדו from the connection to Hashem of Goyim Yidden achieve an even higher attachedness. ואמת הוי’ לעולם that G-dliness is brought out of the earth (the חשך) itself. הללוי’ה.
In Short (Beis Midrash Linashim).In Short.Class One.Class Two.Class Three.Class Four.