
Kapital 121 (5782/ 2022), Beis Midrash Linashim Ubanos 770, Class Five.

Kapital 121 (5782/ 2022), Beis Midrash Linashim Ubanos 770, Class Five.
This fifth class is on Pesukim 7-8 of the Perek.
This class addresses the last two Pesukim but includes the earlier Shmira (guardianship) from Possuk 5 (הוי’ שמורך הוי’ צילך על יד ימיניך). It is based primarily on a Pirush on Tehillim from Reb Yosef Chiyun who lived in Portugal right before the expulsion.
We first explained some Pshat thoughts on these two Pesukim,
Then we introduced the RaMbaM (More Nivuchim vol. 3 Chapter 12) about good people and bad things and the RaMbaM’s thinking. He explains three sources of ‘bad’ A. natural accidents, B. from other human beings, C. What people do to themselves. He further argues that the least likely is the first of the three and the most likely is the last of the three, and accordingly he argues that by and large the world (and living in it) is actually good.
We then correlated this with Reb Yosef Chiyun’s proposal that there are four evils that need guarding; and they are: A. Accidents and nature taking it’s course, B. As a product of Hashgacha, C. Tzaros we (man) brings on himself, D. What one man brings on another.
We attempted to explain the difference in order between the RaMbaM (who is speaking of Gashmiyus Tzaros) and Reb Yosef Chiyun (who is speaking of Ruychniyus).

Kapital 121 (5782/ 2022), Beis Midrash Linashim Ubanos 770, Class Five.

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