
Kapital 121 (5782/ 2022), Beis Midrash Linashim Ubanos 770, Class Four.

Kapital 121 (5782/ 2022), Beis Midrash Linashim Ubanos 770, Class Four.
This fourth class is on Pesukim 5-6 of the Perek.
Here the reason for our approach emerges clearly based on a Sicha of the Rebbe (summarized in the Sefer Tehillos Menachem).
The Pesukim before speak of His guardianship as it is one with nature and then descends to be ‘revealed’ in nature.
We explained this by discussing the difference between the lower and higher ideas of Hashgacha Protis (and the advantage of the lower idea).
We then explored the Sicha on the words הוי’ צילך He is our shadow and juxtaposed against the Ma’amar דע מה למעלה ממך: the latter is Giluyim (Godliness revealed in response to our actions) and the former is Atzmus (Godliness that is ONE with nature).
This explains the idea that God and world are one is (on the outside) lower and (on under the surface) higher than all else.
The next Possuk יומם השמש לא יככה וירח בלילה is explained (by the Tzemach Tzedek) to be a Remez for Avoda Zara which HE protects us against in daylight (זמן הבית) and darkness (זמן הגלות).

Kapital 121 (5782/ 2022), Beis Midrash Linashim Ubanos 770, Class Four.

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