
Kapital 121 (5782/ 2022), Beis Midrash Linashim Ubanos 770, Class Three.

Kapital 121 (5782/ 2022), Beis Midrash Linashim Ubanos 770, Class Three.
This class is on Pesukim 3-4 of Perek 121, and I really go out on a thin limb here.
I’m enclosing a piece of Tzemach Tzedek to (partially) prove my case, but I am really speaking without a true Makor.
The idea of these two Pesukim follow the first two.
The first two is a Jew looking for his guardian (in the language of this Perek: שומר) and he seeks and finds מאין יבוא עזרי עזרי מעם השם…
In these Pesukim the Guardian is unidentified, because there is no identifiable guardian, rather the world itself acts as guardian, like by the miracle of Shabbos HaGadol, and like the rainbow (קשת) is a sign against a Mabul. Here Teva (nature) itself reveals how it is God and protects.
אל יתן למוט means He won’t let us falter or lose step; alternatively it is like the word Shtus, He won’t allow us to fall off the correct path.
רגליך means the very bottom or cause or end of time; and even there He (God as He is nature) guards us.
אל ינום שומריך on this level there is no concept of sleep or even napping whatsoever (עינא פקיחא דלא נים).
הנה לא ינום ולא ישן He goes down from the place the guardianship is automatic and passive to the place and level where there could be sleep and still He guards us. This is called Hislabshus.
שומר ישראל that by Yidden even what is a gift we earn somewhat, so even this higher Shmira (as it comes down to the lower level) we earn a little as indicated with words שומר ישראל.

Kapital 121 (5782/ 2022), Beis Midrash Linashim Ubanos 770, Class Three.

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