Kapital 121 (5782/ 2022), Beis Midrash Linashim Ubanos 770, Class Two. 1) This Perek is about Shmira (being guarded) on different levels. This second class on the Perek deals with the first two Pesukim inside. 2) Who said it? Yaakov, Dovid, Yidden in Galus, Yidden being judged when Moshiach comes, Tazdikim when Moshiach comes. 3) It’s a happy song of ascent. 4) These two Pesukim are written directly (לשון נוכח) showing on a time of greater closeness (revelation) from God; the remaining seven are written in an indirect from (לשון נסתר) showing on a more hidden (but higher sourced) Godliness. 5) שיר למעלות singing to ascend or singing due to an ascent, but in either case it is longing and reaching (like singing at night רננא ברמשא). 6) אשא עיני אל ההרים who is saying it? Yaakov, Dovid, Yidden in times of Moshiach… 7) Seeking help from הרים A. parents and teachers B. the Avos, C, the world at large; whether they help us or not depends if what they gave us reached our אין or not. 8) מאין יבא עזרי A. no one but He can help me, B. The help comes from all of the above but on the level of אין. In other words, Hashem always helps, but if we are more deeply connected He helps more deeply. 9) עזרי מעם הוי’ה only Hashem, highest level can help 10) Because עושה שמים וארץ A. He creates יש מאין even the lowest worlds every instant and is thus always empowered; B. His mastery over heaven and earth empowers Him even here.