Ki Tisa 32:01 – The חטא העגל – Machon LiYahadus (5763/ 2003)
Posted: June 1, 2022
The first version Machon LiYahadus (5763/ 2003). How could the Yiden have made an eigel (Golden Calf) so soon after recieving the Torah? This class was given at Machon Chana (5763). An introductory level lecture on the perplexing question of how the Jewish people got involved in making a golden calf¹. This class is not text based. Rabbi Paltiel provides eye opening insight into the incident in this enjoyable class. 1. The incident of the golden calf can be found in Shemos (Exodus) 32.1 – 32.35 at (with English translation and transliteration) or at (with English and Rashi).